The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.5


The favor with which “ The Fundamentals” has been received all over the world is a great grat- ification to those who are engaged in the work; and the opposition, bordering sometimes on bitterness, which it has provoked, has been also very gratifying. The favor is from those who believe in the fundamentals of Christianity; and the opposition is, in the main, from the religious people who have really ceased to be Christian in their faith, while, for some reason, they desire to retain the label of Christianity. The fact that they have been reached and led to think is cause for thanksgiving. This volume goes to more than 275,000 pastors, evangelists, missionaries, theological professors, theological students, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, Y. W. C. A. secretaries, Sunday School superintendents, religious editors and Roman Catholic priests in the English speaking world. We earnestly request all Christians who read this to pray that the Word of God may continue to “ run and be glorified,” that the unbelief, which in pulpit and pew has been paralyzing the Church of Christ, may be overcome, and that a world-wide revival may be the result.

(See Publishers’ Notice, Page 125.)

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