Life in the Word 43 whereof one is as likely to be true as another? The “wise men” can tell us nothing, for “lo, they have rejected the Word of the Lord; and what wisdom is in them?” (Jer. 8:9). But when, to one who has undergone this weariness of a vain quest for something sure and satisfying in the books of men, the Word of God comes with the convincing power which it alone possesses, and with the restful assurance which it alone can impart, the books of men become worthless—mere rub- bish, fit only to be food for flames. Conjectures are now ex- changed for certainties,, and profitless speculations for knowl- edge certified by the sure testimony of Him who knoweth and understandeth all things. The writer lately heard a servant of Christ relate an in- cident in his own life which aptly illustrates what we have been saying. Speaking on the injunction of Ephesians 6:10, “Be strong in the Lord,” he said, “I well remember a section in my book-case long ago which contained a highly prized set of Emerson’s works. One essay in particular I read and re-read, and had marked favorite passages in it. The burden of it was, ‘Young man, be strong.’ This phrase occurred again and again, and it thrilled and excited me. But it pointed me to no source of strength, for the writer knew of none. He never once said, ‘Be strong in the Lord;’ and the time came when, realizing the cruel mockery of the words, and the emptiness of this entire system of philosophy, I put the set of well-printed and choicely bound volumes into the flames.” He discovered in the Bible the Source of all strength, and the Book displaced the entire set of man’s philosophies and empty deceits. “So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” Happy is the man who has “received the Word of God” (Acts 8:14; 11:1, etc.), who has made room for it in his life, and in whose heart and mind it has grown and prevailed. X. A LIFE-GIVING WORD We come now to something higher and deeper. The great mystery of a living thing is the power it possesses of propa-
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