Life in the Word 65 These results are just as sure to follow obedience to the laws of spiritual diet as physical nutrition is to follow attention to the proper reception of material food; and the contrary re- sults are just as sure to follow neglect of those laws in the one case as in the other. The natural mind would be likely to de- mand an explanation; but faith does not require to know the process, it being sufficient to hear the command. If one refused to partake of his natural food until instructed as to the process of digestion he would starve. In each case the process is in- scrutable, but the fact is certain. XII. THE LIFE-TRANSFORMING WORD FEEDING upon the Word of God, the bread of life, must necessarily be beneficial to the whole man, including his in- tellectual and physical being as well as his spiritual. Much deference is paid in these days to the “powers of the mind.” Intellectual prowess is what wins the victories in the fierce commercial struggle of the times. Business men are, of course, keen to take advantage of this condition, as may be seen by the many and costly advertisements of “brain foods and many millions of dollars are annually acquired by the shrewd exploiters of these preparations. This, of course, could not be unless there were multitudes who give heed to the assurance that, by the use of the advertised article, it is possible to produce “a new set of brains.” The Bible does not speak of a new set of brains, but i t does say to believers, “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Eph. 4:23), and, "Be not conformed to this world [or age], but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2). The new man requires a new mind, and provision is made to that end. The old mind, with all its habits of self- occupation (a sure breeder of unhappiness and discontent), its morbid tendencies, its craving for excitement and sensation, its imaginations, appetites, tastes, inclinations and desires, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
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