Life in the Word 9 Manifestly it makes practically no difference whether the Bible be dragged down to the level of other books, or other books be exalted to the level of the Bible. The result is the same in both cases; namely, that the unique authority of the Bible is set aside. But even in quarters where the Divine origin of the Bible is fully recognized, the enemy is actively at work with a view to weakening its influence. There is much teaching abroad (heard usually in connection with certain spiritual manifesta- tions which have become quite common of late) to the effect that those who have the Spirit dwelling in them, and speaking directly to and through them, are independent of the Word of God. This is the form which the idea of a continuing revela- tion takes in quarters where a direct attack on the authority of Scripture would fail. But the result is the same. In such a state of things it is manifestly of the very highest importance to insist unceasingly upon the sufficiency, finality and completeness of the Revelation given by God in His Word. \Yith the desire to serve this purpose, even though it be in a very small degree, these pages are written. I t would be, how- ever, a task far beyond the capacity of the writer to present all the unique characteristics of the Bible, whereby it is so distinguished from other books that it occupies a class by itself. The writer has, therefore, singled out for consideration one special attribute or characteristic of the Holy Scriptures; namely, that signified by the word “living.” I f one is able to apprehend, however feebly, the tre- mendous fact that the Word of God is a LIVING Word, such knowledge will go far towards affording him protection from what is perhaps the greatest danger of these “perilous times.” I. THE INCARNATE WORD, AND THE WRITTEN WORD: BOTH ARE 1 “LIVING” Of the many statements which the Bible makes concerning the Word of God, none is more significant, and surely none is.
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