Horizon PT May 2018

PUT A SPRING IN YOUR STEP Don’t Let Pain Trap You Inside It’s time to go outside! The warmweather has returned, and with it comes the desire to just go out and “do something” beneath the bright blue sky. But after a winter spent hibernating indoors, it’s important to practice caution before being active again for the first time inmonths. Even if you stay active during the winter, you don’t want to dive into spring and summer activities without preparation. The repetitive motions required for golf, baseball, or swimming can lead to sore, strained, or sprained muscles and tendons in the back and neck. Injuries to shoulders, feet, knees, and hamstring muscles are all too common in the summer, and they can take months to heal. You don’t want a June injury to keep you out of commission until September. It’s not just fun and games that lead to injury. The warmweather also means more chores, like spring cleaning and lawn work. These are physically demanding activities. It’s not uncommon for people to hurt their back or shoulder muscles while cleaning out the garage or mowing the lawn. Before you set out to enjoy the warmweather, here are two things you need to do to avoid an injury. Give Yourself Time toWarmUp If you played sports in high school, you’ll remember howmuch coaches emphasized the importance of stretching. This still applies

even as an adult when you’re about to play a round of golf or spend a few hours gardening. An extra five minutes of static and dynamic stretching is all it takes to properly warm up your muscles and reduce your risk of injury. You can find some examples of the kind of stretching you need to be doing at greatist.com/move/whats-ideal- warm-up. Get the Green Light FromYour Physical Therapist It’s important to make sure that your body isn’t at risk of injury. Ask your physical therapist to perform an examination to ensure your neck and spine are correctly aligned. This will reduce your risk of injury and help relieve any pressure on your neurological system that could impair your performance. Is your backswing not what it used to be? Your body might be to blame. Your physical therapist can identify areas of weakness and show you how to incorporate easy stretches into your routine to help improve those muscle groups. If you’re eager to get back outside and have fun, be sure to give Horizon PT a call at 810-620-8042. We can help you prepare to enjoy a pain-free season.

Grilled Ranch Potatoes

Have a Laugh


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2 pounds baby potatoes, halved 1/4 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1/2 packet ranch seasoning Ranch dressing for drizzling

1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives

Bacon bits (optional) Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat grill to medium. In a large pan, toss potatoes with olive oil, lemon juice, and ranch seasoning. Season generously with salt and pepper. 2. Skewer potatoes. (If using wood skewers, be sure to soak in water an hour before

grilling.) Grill until tender and lightly charred, about 15 minutes. 3. Drizzle with ranch and garnish with chives and bacon bits.

Inspired by delish.com



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