
2 - Parks And Community Gathering Spaces

Signature Gateway

• Action: Prepare desired park and recreation-related concepts for the City’s Signature Gateway area to incorporate into potential new development. Per the vision for this area established in Rowlett’s Comprehensive Plan, the concepts should include, but not be limited to, iconic gateway elements, entertainment/events, plaza(s), an amphitheater, public art, performing arts, and culture-related features. For park dedication and provision in this area from private development, focus should be placed on lake access, multi-purpose plazas, and visual and physical interaction with the lake. • Add a temporary paddling launch area to the Signature Gateway to comprise an access point for the Central Paddling Trail (detailed further in Trails and Sidewalks). As the area develops, a more permanent and improved paddling launch area should be provided.

Adopted- November 7, 2012

Proposed use of Type 2 New Neighborhood building types due to the restricted depth of the lots

Proposed townhouses fronting the Take Area and lake (to supply attached units per the mar- ket study)

Proposed use of Type 1 New Neighborhood building types to transition to the existing single-family residential develop- ment adjacent to the site

Proposed multi-unit homes to supply at- tached units per the market study

Proposed green to act as a Terminated Vista

Proposed preservation of existing vegeta- tion

Proposed neighborhood scale Civic Building (i.e. post of ¿ ce, church, etc.)

Proposed pedestrian passage anchored by column screens or gates

Proposed preservation of existing vegetation for natural stormwater drainage and to serve as a natural buf- fer between New Neighborhood and the existing single-family residential neighborhood adjacent to the subject area

Proposed townhouses to transition to existing single- family residential adjacent to the site

Proposed urban square to divert traf ¿ c deeper into site

Proposed surface park- ing

Possible marina site

Proposed focal point at con- verging streets

Proposed Civic Building and paved urban plaza

Proposed sight lines to the lake and Terminated Vistas

Proposed parking structures off of PGBT with liner buildings fronting on interior pedestrian oriented streets

Sub-Area 3: These building foot- prints suggest three towers. This area can be con ¿ gured in numer- ous ways. The provided con ¿ gura- tion is demonstrating that the area needs to be broken up using tools in the FBC to allow for pedestrian circulation (i.e. urban plazas, urban squares and pedestrian passages)

• Trail connections.

F i g u r e 6 : S a m p l e M a s t e r P l a n Prov i ded i s a Samp l e Mas t e r Pl an by wh i ch t he Samp l e Regu l a t i ng Pl an i s keyed t o . The Mas t e r Pl an i s i n l i ne wi t h t he i n t en t of t he Rea l i ze Rowl e t t 2020 Pl an and t he Si gna t ur e Ga t eway Sub-Ar ea Pl an . The Mas t e r Pl an a l so t akes i n t o ac - coun t t he prov i ded ma rke t s t udy for Si gna t ur e Ga t eway. The Ci t y of Rowl e t t r ea l i zes t ha t i n orde r t o ach i eve t he des i r ed i n t ens i t y of t he Mas t e r Pl an i ncen t i ves need t o be prov i ded t o r educe t he i nf r as t ruc t ur e gap .




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