
Standards In order to plan for a connected system of trails for the future, the following system guidelines was developed.

Regional Veloweb: 12’ Concrete Trail Defined and recognized by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the purpose of this trail is to provide regional and interregional routes. The intention is to provide access throughout the City, to adjacent City destinations and communities, and ultimately connect to the D/FW metro area. Trails designated as part of the regional Veloweb should be concrete and 12 feet in width. Lake Trail: 10’ – 12’ Concrete Trail This trail has one of the greatest opportunities for use by recreational users due to its scenic qualities, but it will also serve to link the future uses planned on this large tract of land.

Public Road

4’-6’ Prefered

12’ Minimum 1’-2’ Prefered

Figure 3.2 - Regional Veloweb Trail


8’-10’ Where No Sea Wall



Figure 3.2 - Lake Trail


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