
Trail Segment Name Lake Highland Trail Trail Type Lake Trail Trail Length 6,800 Linear Feet Recommended Width 10’-12’ Surface Type Reinforced Concrete Recommended Features Pocket Parks, Trail Heads, Landscaping

Trail Description: The Lake Highland Green Belt Trail will take advantage of an underutilized green space that runs through an existing neighborhood in the southwest portion of town. The trail will provide an amenity for the home owners in the neighborhood as well as an additional connection for the community system. Connect Rowlett: This trail provides one of the best opportunities for a north/south connection from Scrade to a future Miller Road Trail and onto Dalrock Road. The connection will also provide access to many areas within the greenbelt that have the potential for small pocket parks and neighborhood amenities. Opportunities: • Existing open space • City owned land • Neighborhood connections • Pocket parks • Trail heads Constraints: • Existing topography • Existing utilities


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