
Policy: Begin a new Connected Rowlett Program to link parks and recreation destinations and improve multi-modal accommodations within the city. • Action: Within the Connected Rowlett Program, provide a focus on sidewalks, which will provide new pedestrian and bicycle connections from residential neighborhoods to parks and recreation destinations and to connect major and minor parks and recreation destinations. • Action: Design and market the City’s Connected Rowlett Program in a way that instills a sense of branded place throughout the community and that is clearly communicated through the City website, wayfinding and on-site signage, and improvements as applicable. Trails (including land and water) and sidewalks should be a common thread that connects all parks and recreation destinations and that provides access to the destinations from residential neighborhoods. Policy: Improve maintenance and communication regarding trails and sidewalks in the city. • Action: Maintain existing trails and associated amenities at a high level of quality and safety. • Action: Utilizing resources from the Connected Rowlett Program (recommended above), increase public awareness of trails and sidewalks in the community by organizing events on trails and sidewalks, either City- sponsored or neighbor-led. Naturalists or other interested parties should be included in organizing and leading trail- related events such as nature walks, running or races for particular causes, and holiday-specific exhibits.


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