King's Business - 1946-12


were multiplying, and unprecedented millions were being deposited in sav­ ings banks. More than ever, there is need for a personal (purse 'n all) faith. It is dif­ ficult to estimate the amount of good which might be accomplished if Christians were financially h o n e s t with God. Million & The American Bible Society is authority for the statement that soon one million Bibles will be rolling off the printing presses, bound for Ger­ many. The distribution of these Bibles will be handled through the co-opera­ tion of German Bible societies and 'lo­ cal churches. This is one of the most healthful signs. It is a demonstrated fact of history that when any people consume quantities of the Bread of Life, there is a corresponding supply of material bread. France A recently conducted Gallup Poll in France reveals a surprisingly large religious population. Two-thirds of those who answered the questionnaire acknowledged a religious faith, with rural districts showing the higher per­ centage of believers. The percentage of those professing a religion was greater among the older people than the younger elements of the popula­ tion. However, there is still a large atheistic group in France. While not generally considered a mission field, France today constitutes a fertile ground for evangelization. Highest & Figures now available from the Federal Securities Agency reveal that in 1946 there had been one divorce to every t h r e e marriages (502,000 to 1,618,331). This is nearly twice the pre-war rate and twenty per cent over 1944. Many reasons are advanced to account for this increase, but the de­ cline of the family altar and the con­ sequent weakening of the religious foundations of the American home are the real cause of the breakdown of the home. The Bible has ever been the basic element to hold together the family unit.


The Soviet scientist and politician who created the serum known as A.C. (anti-recticular cytotoxic) “the youth serum” which he claimed would retard old age, died recently at the age of sixty-four. It was his conten­ tion that human beings n o r m a l l y should live to be one hundred and fifty years old and that by the delay of deterioration of connective tissues longevity could be increased. There is a good deal of talk today about lengthening the span of man’s life, but insurance tables, which do not lie, still definitely show that the average life is below the Biblical “three score and ten.” Children of God know that death occurs not merely with the breakdown of the human mechanism, but when God Himself terminates life. Mile Gil Dodds, who is called “the fly­ ing parson” by sports writers, and who recently gave up athletics in order to enter definite Christian work, has done it again. He came back temporarily to run what A.A.U. described as the fastest United States outdoor mile of the year and the fastest ever run in New England by an American. The time clocked up by Dodds was 4.12.5. This lad, in spite of the athletic honors heaped upon him, is a modest, unas­ suming and devoted servant of the Lord, whose foremost desire in life is to honor his Saviour. His life is a con­ tinual testimony to the fact that young people may be out-and-out followers of Christ and topnotch athletes at the same time. Slump Recently the press has been giv­ ing considerable space to late figures, showing the increase in church mem­ bership. Coincident with this, a re­ cently completed survey by the Golden Rule Foundation of 26 years’ religious revenue, reveals that church income has dropped alarmingly. For the first 13 years, the per capita giving amounted to $20.31, and for the sec­ ond 13 years, $13.90. This slump came while national income was increasing, expenditures for needless luxuries

One contribution to the immigra­ tion problem in Palestine is that of an astonishingly increased Jewish birth rate. Records indicate that so great is the birth rate of the last two years that many officials are referring to it as “an immigration.” Official esti­ mates place the 1945-46 figures at thirty or more births per 1,000 popula­ tion. Baby carriage manufacturers are swamped with business and the daily perambulator parades are something to behold. While these statistics are remarkable from the human stand­ point, let us not forget that God Him­ self placed within His chosen people the will to survive. Gift An excellent spirit was manifested by Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek in their contribution of $5,000 toward the erection of a memorial hall at the Hebrew University in Jeru­ salem. This gift will honor the late Brigadier General Orde Wingate, who helped to organize the Jewish defense movement. Madame Chiang, in a mes­ sage- to the University, stated: "Few better methods could be chosen for perpetuating the name and fame of a great man than by associating his memory with a permanent education foundation. Especially is it fitting that this cultural tribute to General Orde Wingate be at the holy city of Jeru­ salem.” A recent report from Bishop Ralph Cushman, president of the Anti-Saloon League of America, includes the charge: “There are too many cocktail drinkers on church official boards." He adds further that “Unless the churches of America awaken and wholeheartedly fight the liquor traf­ fic, the welfare and godliness of this country will be defeated within the next generation.” It is the truth that the forces of temperance have been shamefully held back by the indiffer­ ence of many professing Christians which results from the ungodly indul­ gences of many church officials. You cannot preach temperance until you first live it!



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