King's Business - 1946-12

DECEMBER 1 Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:2. 12 "Grace . . . from God . . . the grace of our God.” Innumerable words have been spoken, and an endless stream of lit­ erature written on the theme of grace. God’s grace still is beyond our under­ standing; but not beyond our expe­ riencing. As we ponder these two Scripture phrases quoted, may we let God’s grace flow over our souls and a flood of gratitude will well up in our hearts, turning our thoughts to the Giver of grace, and stilling our whole being with a sense of His presence. “Marvelous, infin ite, matchless, grace.” DECEMBER 2 Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:8 "With the brightness of his coming.” Are you surrounded by those whose only mention of Jesus Christ is with profanity or in mere formality? Does today seem dark, with little prospect of relief? Look eastward to the dawn. The glow is even now in the sky. With the coming again of Jesus will be brightness and ligljt, for He is the Light of the world. DECEMBER 3 Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:1 “Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course.” For whom shall we pray today? For those who minister the Word. Let us be earnest in prayer that the message of the Bible may be given in the words of the Bible; for those words are liv­ ing, and will not return to God with­ out fulfilling His purpose. Therefore, pray. DECEMBER 4 Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:5 "Charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith un­ feigned.” Calvin writes, “Faith is the specta­ cles through which we read; the Spirit is the light that alone makes the spectacles helpful.” Note the number of times the word faith appears in this chapter from which today’s verse is quoted; then put on the “specta­ cles” and trust the Holy Spirit to cause' the light to shine for you.

Meditations in the Epistles by lone Lowman, Ph.D.

DECEMBER 5 Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:5

DECEMBER 9 Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8

"There is one God, and one mediator between God aiid men, the man Christ Jesus.” Knowing the Mediator leads the be­ liever to desire to do His will. “It is possible to know God’s will beyond contradiction. This needs the eye alert, the ear attuned, the soul lifted up to God, and the spirit sensitive to His touch”—W. Y. Fullerton. DECEMBER 6 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6 “Nourished up in the words of faith.” The body is not nourished by all foods. On every side we are bom­ barded with arguments concerning foods that are “rich in vitamins,” in “mineral content,” in this or in that which will make it of greater value to the physical nature. In like man­ ner the spiritual man needs nourish­ ing food. The vitamin-rich spiritual food is the Word of God. Eat thereof and you will be nourished. Neglect it, and you will be starved spiritually. DECEMBER 7 The oft-quoted adage, “Hitch your wagon to a star,” may be good for those whose farthest vision reaches only to the stars. How much more stimulating for, the one who knows the Creator of the stars is this ambi­ tion—to do everything in such man­ ner as to be always “acceptable before God”! Our Father, cleanse our ambi­ tions, clear our vision, and lead us to walk acceptably in Thy sight. DECEMBER 8 Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:11 "Aim at integrity, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, modesty” (Moffat Translation). “Life is an arrow; therefore, we must know what mark to aim a t . ..” —Henry Van Dyke. God sets before us the target. He names six facets of the one target, His will in our con­ duct. Knowing the target, set your aim by surrender and prayer; so shall your score near perfection. Scripture: I Timothy 5:4 "Acceptable before God.”

"Partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.” If today brings suffering for the sake of the Lord Jesus, whether for us or for our witness to others, may we lay hold Of the grace that is sufficient, remembering that we are “partakers of the afflictions of the gospel.” Sweet is the knowledge that, “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him.” DECEMBER 10 Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:19 "The Lord knoweth them that are his.” I do not always know myself, and surely others do not. We thank God for His encouragement to our hearts because He knows us. And He knows the ways we take. Let us rest con­ tent today in His understanding, and then, in obedience to His voice, we will live according to His plan. Praise God! He knows! DECEMBER 11 Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:11 "Out of them all the Lord delivered me.” How many thousands of the saints after long trial, after many persecu­ tions, have echoed these words! Take heart, troubled soul, some day you, too, will look back upon heartbreak­ ing and puzzling experiences and will say, joyously, “Out of them all the Lord delivered." His Word is, “Who delivered . . . doth deliver,” and “will yet deliver.” His promises never fail of fulfillment. DECEMBER 12 Scripture: Titus 1:2 "Eternal life, which God . . . promised.” To whom did God promise eternal life? Why do I acknowledge the Truth in hope of eternal life? Pre­ cious is God’s Word to the believing heart. “He that . . . believeth on him that sent tne [Jesus Christ] hath ever­ lasting life” (John 5:24). May that eternal life be seen in me, that God may be glorified. THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S


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