King's Business - 1946-12

DECEMBER 26 Scripture: Hebrews 10:17 "Their sins and iniquities will I re­ member no more.” How long has it been since I thanked the Lord that He has not only forgiven my sins, but that His prom­ ise to me about them is the same as His promise regarding those of His people of old: “their sins and iniqui­ ties will I remember no more.” Just think, my every evil thought, deed and action has been forgotten by my Lord! Lord, help me to remember that although the careless word or deed has been forgiven by Thee, it may have been a stumbling block to someone else. Remind me frequently of these words of Fenelon’s: “We can often do more for other men by cor­ recting our own faults than by trying to correct theirs.” DECEMBER 27 Seripture: Hebrews 10:22-25 “Let us draw near . . . Let us hold fast . . . let us consider.” “In drawing ‘near* to Him, we see the necessity of faith, for, ‘without faith it is impossible to please him.’ “After we have been saved, we need to hold fast that which we have re­ ceived in order that our witnessing to the unsaved may be without nagging, without a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, but in gratitude and love. “In the third place, we are to ‘con­ sider one another to provoke unto love and good works.’ A word of apprecia­ tion for the time and effort another is giving may mean more to him than we can ever measure”—Pearl Harris. DECEMBER 28 Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-15 “By faith.” “Conquering today, as in the days here recorded, is by faith. The Lord is just as powerful today as He was in the olden days. He waits to pour out a blessing upon you, to deliver you, to use you. Dare to trust Him today and tomorrow you, too, can say ‘by faith’” —Pearl Harris. DECEMBER 29 Scripture: Hebrews 12:14-15 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness.” "I’m certain that you have known some one whom everybody liked. Wasn’t it because that person was calm, friendly and kind under the most trying circumstances? If you know him well, you undoubtedly dis­ covered that he really walked with the Lord. Since he received his strength from Him, he could ‘follow peace with all men.’ “Dare to live for Him and He will use you in various ways to influence the lives of others, and to cause others to rejoice in the Lord”—Pearl Harris.

Photograph by Philip Gendreau, N. Y.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS Gordon E. Hooker We thank Thee, Lord, for loving gifts God’s Gift to man—words fail to from men, estimate But oh, the Gi f t that came from The matchless worth of love so deep, Bethlehem so great, Is speaking to our hearts above the Which raised our fallen race from mirth dregs of earth And tinselled toys of this encumbered To Heaven’s glory, by a second birth, earth. DECEMBER 30 Scripture: Hebrews 13:6 “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” DECEMBER 31 Scripture: Hebrews 13:9 “Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.”

“Is this true in your life? Do you worry and fret over the future? Then do not quote this verse because you will not tell the truth and thus you will dishonor the Lord. “God is still on the throne and He will end the wars and strife in the world when He chooses. You are only one of the millions of His own, yet He will be your helper, if you will let Him.”—Pearl Harris.

"Let us be careful what we listen to. The radio is used by Satan as well as by the Lord. Let us test by the Word every message we hear. This Word is the only true criterion. Any teach­ ing that cannot stand the searchlight of God’s Book is not teaching for God’s children to follow. Let us be obedient and take heed of what we hear, that we t‘be not carried about with every wind of doctrine’ ’’—Pearl Harris. TH E K I NG ' S B US I NE S S


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