to the evangelists’ school at Blukwa. This course of study will fit the na tives for greater usefulness among their own people. Peter '38 and Mrs. Brashler (Edythe McKee ’37) have ar rived on furlough and may be reached at 3101 Oakes Ave., Everett, Wash. A daughter Dianne Carol, was bom July 27 to Richard and Mrs. Dilworth who are on furlough from Tangan yika.” * * * Gladys MacKenzie ’45 has finished her special course at the U.S. Marine Hospital National Leprosarium at Car- ville, La. She feels that this extra work was a worth-while effort, as she learned many things which will help her in her work in the Philippines and China. The Star, official publication of the Leprosarium, states that Gladys and one other nurse established a precedent there by being the first lay nurses to act ual l y wait upon the patients under treatment in this hos pital. * * * From September's China’s Millions we quote the following by C. Virgil Hook ’40, now on furlough at Labrang, Kans.: “Once each week I go to the street to preach the Word of God in Tibetan. The people listen well but seem so closed in their hearts. They seem to hear, but they do not. How I pray that God will give them understanding that they might be saved. Friends I have, many of them, but even the brightest seem to cling with a death like grip to that which can neither see nor hear. Many who hear the Gospel are touched by the sufferings of Christ in His great love. I have seen many a man or woman take off his or her hat and bow in reverence as I told that story. (Tibetan custom demands that Tibetan men and women both remove hats in worship.) How I wish I could tell of seeing even one come to Christ, but I can only say—I hope. Darkness still prevails. Pray therefore that this might be overcome by the Lord of light.” • * * Missionary farewell night was held at the regular weekly prayer meeting at the Church of the Open Door re cently. Harold ’29 and Mrs. Amstutz (Jane Yeths ’32) and their son, David, (12), Mrs. Grace Pike Roberts '21, Howard and Mrs. Gould (Ruth Zim merman ’35) and their eight-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, spoke and gave their tesimonies. The Goulds will fly to their station Sept. 30. Hazel Mc Cabe, who is soon to return to her work under the Kentucky Mountain Mission, told of the benefits received through the Biola School of Mission ary Medicine course which she took while on her furlough. DECEMBER, 1946
Smiley ’36) a daughter, Virginia Lou ise, Aug. 2, Los Angeles, Calif. ' Mr. Saumert is a student in Biola. To Magnus V. ’35 arid Mrs. Gonnsen a son, Leif Gotthart, Sept. 20, Hardin- Simmons Post Office, Abilene, Tex.
Bom To Otis and Mrs. Lee (Kathryn Smithers, B. Sac. Mus. ’43) a daughter, Rebecca Ann, Aug. 29, St. Maries, Ida. To Walter and Mrs. Saumert (Mary
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