consult. This is God’s plan. The faith ful missionary, true to the Gospel and a real lover of Christ, will seek an other of like mind with whom he may work and pray. These two form a united froht. They preach the same message. They weep together over souls; they seek only the glory of God. They dfeslre only the blessing of man. They see and think alike as they study the Word. They present the same truth concerning the utter de pravity of man and the blessed saving power of JesUs Christ. Thus they work harmoniously and the work of the Lord prospers. 4. WE MUST BE UNITED IN PUR POSE. Phil. 1:27. The purpose of the servant of God is to bring lost men into right re lationship with God through saving faith in Jesiis Christ. He also desires to see Christians grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who labor for the Lord in any city, conimunity, or field should have a union of hearts in this great purpose. God has not sent out His laborers to teach sanitation as a goal, or education as an end, but rather to make Christ known to the heart so that the sinner, being bom again, will himself dress properly, live righteous ly, and act gbdly. It is not God’s plan to attempt tb teach sinners how to live. We are to teach sinners how to be saved, after which they will learn to live. This should be our united purpose. January 26, 1947 YOUTH SHARES THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. John 1:35-40. Throughout the Scripture, God ap peals to the young. Joshua was called while he was still a boy. Samuel and also David were commissioned while they were young. A young lamb, only one year old, was chosen for the Pass- over sacrifice. A young turtledove was used fot the poor person’s sin offering. Even our Saviour began His ministry at thirty and finished it at thirty-three. When a young person is saved, both the soul and the life are saved. This 1 b greatly to be desired. Timothy was a young man when he heard Paul preach and gave his life to the risen Christ. It was to the young that Solomort said, “Remember now thy Creator irt the days of thy youth.” The Creator wants to make some thing out of each young person so that he will be a blessing to his fellow men and bring honor to God. 1. YOU MUSt BE SURE OF YOUR OWN SALVAtlON. 2 Tim. 1:12. To live in uncertainty is to live a life that is not positive or forceful and to die a death that is unsatisfactory. There is no peace unless there is cer tainty. There is no progress unless there is definite knowledge of where one is and where he is going. The DECEMBER, 1946
BIBLE HANDWORK TO COLOR Eleven Bible storks and four children’s songs in outline pictures for pupils to color. Three series, 15 titles, average 8 pictures to each tide. Order by title* Sériés L Old Testament Stories Noah Moses Joseph Daniel Shepherd Psalm Samuel I5f eacb title; 90c complété sériés, Sériés 2, Neuf Testament Stories Paul Christmas Storp Lord’s Prayer Résurrection Good Samaritan Story 15c eacb title / 75c complété sériés • Series 3» Favorite Songs The Wise Men— Song i Think When I Read That World Children for Sweet Story Jesus Tesus Loves Me 15c eacb title / 60c complete series. Free catalog of Church ana Sunday reboot requisites sent on request . WM. H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 So. Wabash Avc., Dept. 103, Chicago 3, III. BIBLE STORY SLIDES FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Write for particulars of Special Bible Story Slide Sets and Program material. Make Christmas a new birth of enthusiasm and spiritual action in your Church and Sunday School. Vivid, beautiful natural color Bible Slides reach hearts and teach minds waiting for the gospel message. Pull line Including Hymn Slides, Christmas Carols, Bible Stories and the .new Christmas Series of 40 kodachrOme slides—“Christmas Bleaalngg"—Write today. BOND SLIDE COMPANY 66 W. Washington St. Dept. KB Chicago 2, III. Your Christmas will bo happier for reading the articles on Pages 5, 7 and 9. Surviving Hebrew Christians in Europe Plead for Help
A Courageous Hebrew Christian Missionary from Jugoslavia writes: “Please accept our sincerest thanks for the food and clothing packages. I myself and most of the remaining believers have suffered irreparable losses. Not only did we lose our homes, cloth* ing and furniture, but all of us lost also our relatives, including husbands, brothers and children. Most of us now remain all alone. If we did not have the consolation of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, we could not bear the weight of this life.
Nearly all of us went through concentration camps and prisons from which we came back with bodily injuries. This is why we beg you brothers and sisters in America to help us build again, for the poverty and deprivations of the war years sapped most of our strength. Anxiety for the daily needs takes most of my time, and if I were not so burdened with food worries 1 could much better attend to the mission work.“
Distress of Hebrew Christians in Germany In
clothe the naked, console the despairing in the Name of Christ. We earnestly plead for your prayers and help on behalf of suffering Israel. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food packet. $10.00 per month will support a child whose parents were exterminated. $50.00 per month will support a Hebrew Christian Missionary. Send for a free copy of “A Christian's Atti tude Toward the Jews” and “The Miracu lous Survival of the Jews.” Please send inquiries and gifts to:
A veteran Hebrew Christian Missionary Germany writes: “I have gathered some of the surviving Hebrew Christians. Many o t the men per* ished in concentration camps, but some of the wives and children survived. They are homeless and without anyohe to care for them. We ourselves have lost everything. Please have pity upon us. Do not let us starve.” Almost daily we receive similar heart rending pleas from surviving Hebrew Chris tians in all parts of Europe. Never have we had such opportunities to feed the starving,
THE INTERNATIONAL HEBREW CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE Rev, Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Dapt. B, 4919 N. Albany Avenu*, Chicago 29, llllnolt Canada: 91 Bellavua Avenu«, Toronto, Ontario 29
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