King's Business - 1946-12

LESSON FOR JANUARY 12 Jesus’ Authority in Home and Church LESSON MATERIAL: John 2:1-16. GOLDEN T E X T : "Whatsoever he ealth unto you, do it" (John 2:5). Outline and Exposition l , A u t h o r it y W it h H is O w n (vs. 1-5) Undoubtedly the mother of Jesus was present officially at the wedding to which Jesus and his disciples were invited. It was then not just a casual remark on her part when she stated that the wine had failed. “Woman . . was not a disrespect­ ful but rather a tender term (John 19:26). “Mine hour” referred to Christ’s passion on the Cross (John 7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 17:1). Mary was describing the pathway to blessing when she said, “Whatso­ ever he saith unto you, do it” (v.5). The acknowledged need is the condi­ tion, active obedience is the channel, and abundant supply is the character, of all blessing from God. I t A u t h o r it y W it h N a t u r e (vs. 6-10) When wine created from water was brought to the ruler of the feast, he “knew not whence it was: (but the servants . . . knew).” They had obeyed the Lord’s word, knew a miracle had been wrought, and were aware that nature had obeyed His command. Man produces the best first, and the worst last, but God reverses this; the first is never as good as the last with Him. First there is the cross, then the crown; first the sorrow, then the joy. This “beginning of miracles did Jesus.” He had performed none before this time. The traditions along this line are false. The first miracle of Moses was water into blood, a minis­ tration e* death; Jesus’ first was water into wi. , a ministration of life. In like ma' ler, He makes sinners into saints, a"d children of the devil into children if God. m. A u t h o r it y W it h t h e T em ple (vs. 13-16) The “feast of Jehovah” had degener­ ated into a “Jews’ passover”; never­ theless it was upon God's ground, and had to be dealt with as such. The sellers were "in the temple,” not just outside of it, which was allow­ able. They had good things in a wrong place; they had turned liberty into license; hence they deserved a rebuke from the Lord of the temple. They had sinned against God, mak­ ing His house a place of merchan­ dise, and against man, making his place of worship a den of thieves. “My Father’s house” had become "your house” (Matt. 23:38).

For the Children S tories o f J esus J o h n 1:38-45 MEMORY VERSE: “This is my be­ loved Son” (Matt. 3:17). After the Lord Jesus Christ returned to Heaven, some of His friends who had been telling others about Him knew that before long they would die. How then would others hear the story of their Saviour’s love? Some of His friends believed that their Lord want­ ed them to write the story of His life so that people for hundreds of years to come would know the Gospel mes­ sage. Four men, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, each wrote a story of the life of Jesus. The Holy Spirit told them just what to write. Not one of these men alone told everything about his Lord. Some stories of the life of Jesus are told by all four; some are told by only one. By taking all four together, we learn much about our Saviour, the Son of God. We are going to hear some stories written by Jesus’ friend, John. Another John, not the writer of the Gospel, had been sent by God to an­ nounce the coming to earth of God’s Son. One day, as John was standing with two of his friends, he saw Jesus, and said, “Behold the Lamb of God.” When the two friends heard him speak, they followed Jesus. The Saviour saw them following Him and said, “What seek ye?” When they asked Him where He lived, He said, “Come and see.” That day they stayed with the Lord Jesus. Surely those were precious hours as they learned about God from His Son! One of the men who had followed Jesus was Andrew. He loved the Lord so much that he was anxious that his brother should know Him too. Andrew found his brother, Simon, and brought him to the Saviour. The next day, when Jesus went into the part of Palestine called Galilee, He found a man named Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” Quickly Philip obeyed. He too loved the Lord so much that he wanted to introduce others to Him. Philip found his friend, Nathanael, and brought him to the Saviour. Are you a Christian boy or girl? If so, will you pray that you too may bring your friends to your Lord?

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