King's Business - 1946-12

Points and Problems 1. “And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage" (v. 2). It is a wonderful thing, when young people are entering upon the sacred relationship of marriage, to invite Jesus and His .disciples to be present. At no other time are divine blessing and Christian fellowship needed more. It is interesting to note on the oc­ casion here discussed that those in charge of the wedding felt at liberty to extend an invitation to Jesus and His disciples. Doubtless they knew what all people ought to know, that Jesus recognizes the institution of marriage as “an honorable estate.” His benediction ought to be upon every marriage. If the world would only heed the safeguards He has erected for the welfare of this holy institution, there would be no such disgraceful record of divorce and broken homelife as that which pre­ vails in our land today. 2. “Woman, what have 1 to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come" (v. 4). Why did Jesus thus speak to His mother? A comparison with John 19:26 will make it clear that this was not the language of disrespect. How­ ever, it is quite evident that there was contained in the statement a gentle rebuke to Mary for presuming to enter the region from which all creatures were excluded. Christ was the Creator; she, though His earthly mother, was but a creature of His hand. In His Father’s business, He had dealjngs only with His Father. He was going about" the matter of manifesting His Heavenly glory, but He would do it in His own time and at Heaven’s bidding. Creatures of earth dared not interfere, no matter what their ties to Him, and their love for Him. Evidently Mary did not mis­ understand her Heaven-sent Son. 3. “Whatsover he saith unto you, do it" (v. 5). No finer definition of true, dedication of life is to be found than this. When there is a willingness al­ ways to heed God’s word, the prompt­ ings of His Spirit, the voice of provi­ dence, and the lesBons of trial, that is the true indication of full yielded- ness to the Lord. 4. “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee" (v. 11). The word miracles as used in John’s Gospel means signs. There are eight such signs in this Gospel, each one given for a particular reason. The main purpose of the Gospel of John as a whole is to cause men to believe that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (20:31), so these signs are em­ ployed to this end. In the sign of this lesson, Christ is revealed as the Creator, in John 1:3 He was so desig­ nated. Now Jesus gives a graphic demonstration of the fact by creating wine from water. But after all “it


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