King's Business - 1946-12

was just a duplication of what our Lord Jesus Christ has been doing for millenniums on ten thousand hill­ sides, changing water into wine” (Ironside). For the Children J esu s I s I nv ited to a W edding J o h n 2:1-10 MEMORY VERSE: "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad” (Matt. 5:12). Some boys and girls think of the Lord Jesus Christ as a sorrowful Man who never laughed or had good times with His friends. If you have ever attended a wed­ ding, you know that it is a happy, joyous occasion. John tells us that Jesus attended a wedding with some of His disciples. The mother of Jesus, Mary, was also a guest at this wed­ ding. Weddings in Palestine were much more elaborate than they are in our country. Sometimes the celebration lasted for several days. During this wedding, the host ran out of wine to serve to his guests. Mary went to Jesus and told Him that they had no wine. To the servants Mary said, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.” At last, the Lord Jesus told the serv­ ants to fill six large waterpots with water. Rather than arguing and say­ ing that they did not need water, but wine, the servants quickly obeyed. Jesus told them to pour the water and take it to the head of the celebration. The water had become wine—the best wine that had been served to the guests! How happy the host must have been that he had invited Jesus to the wedding! Can you invite your Saviour to the happy occasions in your life, or would you be ashamed if He were to enter the room as you were enjoying a good time with your friends? Christians should be the happiest people upon the earth, for they belong to the Son of God. Their sins are forgiven, they may speak with God in prayer, and all of the promises in God’s Word are for them. Unhappy Christians are those who are saying and doing and thinking things that are not pleasing to God’s Son. Will you pray that you may be able to always invite the Lord Jesus to be a guest in all that you do, and to be pleased with all you say and think? NOTES ON THE 'Book of Proverbs 1 bjr H. A. Ironside, D. D., Litt. D. A practical verse by verse exposition; helpful, Inspiring to youth—profitable to alt. Cloth bound only S 3 . Ask for big FREE catalog of "best in Christian Literature,’* also information on this 30-year faith work. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the West Coast. Service prompt. Satisfaction assured. Write tndAy. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pres. Dept. KB, 1719 Franklin St., Oakland 13, Calif.

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