King's Business - 1946-12

LESSON FOR JANUARY 19 The New Birth LESSON MATERIAL: John 3:1-11, 16, 17. GOLDEN T EX T : "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" ('John 3:3). Outline and Exposition I. T h e C on d ition of N icod em u s (VS. 1,2) Dissatisfied with his religion, and unconsciously disbelieving it,- Nicode­ mus went to Jesus, hoping for some­ thing better than what he had. It is my opinion that he went by night in order to have uninterrupted confer­ ence, rather than because of his fear of the Pharisees. II. T h e I n st r u c t io n of N icod em u s (vs. 3-11) He was told that every man must be “born from above” before he could see or enter the kingdom of God. Hence, every man is void of spiritual life, no matter what his existence here may be; he is void of spiritual truth, whatever his culture; and void of spiritual power, whatever his ability. There is universal need for the new birth because all men are in the same condition, differing only in the de­ gree of practicing sin. The intellectual nature is ruined: they need light (Gal. 5:19-23); the affectional nature is ruined: they need love; and the vo­ litional nature is ruined: they need life (Rom. 8:7). Men are not children of God by nat­ ural, but by supernatural, birth. Such birth cannot be secured by the flesh, but only by faith in Christ (John 1:11-13; 1 Pet. 1:23; James 1:18). III. T h e P ossibility for N icod emus (vs. 16,17) The love of God made it possible for Nicodemus, and for every man, to experience the new birth, by which is found rest of soul, peace of mind, and satisfaction of spirit. It is possi­ ble because of God’s great gift (v. 16). It is free, it cannot be bought; it is complete, nothing may be added; and it is forever, once possessed, it can­ not be lost. Of all the knowledge in the uni­ verse, the greatest fact is that God loved the world; the greatest gift is God’s Son; the greatest promise is that “whosoever will” may have life; and the greatest danger is the loss of one’s salvation, to perish, by re­ fusing the Saviour. “God sent not his Son . . . to con­ demn [judge]” but to save. The world is already condemned and needs sal­ vation from that. God meets this need by His great gift of His only begot­ ten Son.

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