elusion is that man is born again by the incorruptible Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23), and by the Spirit of God who ministers through the Word. For the Children N icod em u s C om es to S ee J esu s J o h n 3:1-3,16 MEMORY VERSE: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only be gotten Son” (John 3:16). One night a ruler of the Jews, Nicodemus, came to see the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps he came at night so that the Jews would not know that he had talked with the Saviour; perhaps he was too busy to come in the daytime. Nicodemus told Jesus that he knew that He was a great teacher that God had sent, for no one could do the miracles that Jesus had done unless God was with him. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again. This was a hard state ment for Nicodemus to understand. The Saviour told him that just as. he could not understand where the wind came from or where it went so he could not really understand what it meant to be bom again. He had to simply believe that accepting the Saviour as the Son of God and as his own Saviour would make him a child of God. As Jesus talked with Nicodemus, He said to him the words that all Christians love: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be- lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Nicodemus was a religious leader of the Jews, but that could not save him. Being a preacher or a missionary or a Sunday school teacher will not save anyone either. Being a member of a church, praying, reading God’s Word, being baptized, or living a good life will not save a person. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” There is only one way to be born again—to become a Christian, a child of God. Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” That is the only way. to become a child of God. Have you taken that way? If not, will you receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and Lord now? Missionary superintendent, one copy of "OPENED WINDOWS OF HEAVEN" for each family in hla congregation, providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribution. Write stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to: T IT H E R , 807-K So. Flow er S I Los A i f t l s i 14, California DECEMBER, 1946 P I c F m to any Evangelical Chrlatlan “ Minister, Sunday School or
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Please Remember The King's Business in Your Prayers.
"He Hath Filled the Hungry With Good Things; He Hath HolpenHis Servant Israel" Luke 1:53, 54
T H E FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSIONARY AND RELIEF SO C IETY is engaged in a world-wide ministry of mercy. We are sending food, clothing, medicine, the Word of God, and ministers of the Gospel, to suffering Jews and Hebrew Christians in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and also at home. You too can be a blessing at this Christmas Season. Help our testi mony. Let the hungry be filled with the good things of God and the tears be wiped away. Your special Christ mas gift, small or large, will be grate fully received.
Millions of Christians throughout the world will at this Christmas Sea son rejoice in His coming — God’s great and unspeakable Gift to man. But to countless thousands of poor distraught Israel, this Christmas will mean just another dreary and cold winter, with hunger, homelessness and despair ever present. . Will you please help us for His sake to bring some cheer and help to our Hebrew Christian brethren and our Jewish friends, so, that they too may know of His love, and praise God with us for His coming.
The Friends of Israel Missionary andRelief Society, Inc. 72(>K W ith«rape«« Building P hiladelphia 7, Pa. President Treasurer
G eneral Secretary
M . S teele Rev. Victor Buksbaxca Treasurer for C a n a d a : R ev. P. S. Dobson, M .A ., D .D ., Principal, A lm a C o llege, St. Thom as, O ntario , C an ad a Our quarterly bulletin, ISRAEL MY GLORY , tent to all contributore untl alto on requeet This work is sponsored by the following Committee Archer E. Anderson Dr. Josep h T. Brltaa
Norman B. Harrison Will H. Houghton T . Christie Innes Harry A. Ironside Albert S. Johnson Nye G. Langmade C. E. Macartney Walter E. McClure John H. McComb Robert C. McQuilkin Howard J. Miekley T . Roland Philips Walter T . Riemann Harry Rimmer Joseph M. Steele Stewart R. Sheriff Wilbur M. Smith Andrew Telford
George W . Arms Louis S. Bauman Lome H . Beiden Philip A. Benson Paul L. Berman Herbert W . Bieber O. B. Bottorff Joseph T . Britan Victor Buksbazen Lewis S. Chafer Northcote Deck Walter D. Ferguson G. Allan Fleece Richard Orme Flinn Stanley Kiehl Gambell Graham Gilmer Edward J. Griffiths
Strong Wray
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