all men who would accept the gift by simple faith. Christ, the gift of God, and the water of life, is for everybody, everywhere, through the kind of faith the Samaritans exercised and to which they testified. This is the lesson for all sinners to learn. Points and Problems 1. "He must needs go through Samaria" (v. 4). Why did Jesus have to go that way? Other Jews took a round-about route in order to avoid passing through Samaria, The Samari tans were detested by all Jews because in their past history they had inter married with peoples from the East. They even felt Samaria’s land to be polluted because of its contact with such a people. But Jesus who came into the world to save all kinds of sinners had' it definitely included in His schedule to go through Samaria because1 there was a woman there who was ready to receive His message and His salvation. Jesus is swift to cut across the prejudices of men. 2. "Being wearied with his journey, sat thus" (▼. 6). What a graphic pic ture of His humanity! In emphasizing Christ’s saving power, and His true deity, we should not lose sight of His humanity. Man needs a Saviour who can be touched with the feel ing of our infirmity (Heb. 4:15). He needs a Saviour who is both Son of man and Son of God. And this is the only Christ revealed in the Bible. Thus, in this account, we see the Lord weary as men become tired, sitting down to rest, as men need to recuperate (Heb. 5:2). Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man. Let us not make the mis take the Eutychians made in the fifth century of so emphasizing His deity that they lost sight of His humanity. 3. "Give me to drink" (v. 7). We have here a good suggestion for per sonal workers. The Master Personal Worker asked a favor of the one whom He sought to win. There is a winning principle in this method of approach. Too often personal workers do all the talking and all the acting. The ones they want to win rebel and become frigid. Whereas, if they are made to feel that they are of some account and that the inquirer is under a bit of obligation to them, response is made easier. See the Creator of water asking a poor woman for a drink. He asked a favor and won a soul. 4. "Not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves" (v.42). The woman had done her part, but, after all, the others had to come into personal contact with Christ ere they were saved. This is another suggestion for personal workers. They must ever remember that no soul is ever saved simply by hearing their words. The men must hear and see Christ. The ambassadors of Christ have the glor- THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
LESSON FOR JANUARY 26 Christ For All People LESSON MATERIAL: John 4:4-10, 27-30, 39-42. GOLDEN T EX T : "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst" (John 4:14). Outline and Exposition I. T he T estimony of J esus (vs. 4-10) The meeting at the well was acci dental on the woman’s part, but by design, so far as Christ was concerned. He “must needs” go that way. As man. He became weary and rested beside the well, asking the woman for a drink. This strange request awakened her curiosity, and opened the way for His testimony about the living water. There were difficulties to be over come before Jesus could reach the woman’s soul and bestow upon her the living water. They were stran gers, of opposite sex, with divergent racial and religious prejudices. All had to be cleared away before Jesus could uncover and meet the woman’s need. But the Lord in His divine wisdom soon awakened her curiosity, gained her attention, arid stirred her desire to have the living water of which He spake: a lesson for all Christian workers to learn. II. T he T estimony of the W oman (vs. 27-30) Possessing the living water, the Sa maritan woman immediately forgot the natural water of the well, and left her waterpot, in her eagerness to tell others what she had found in Christ. Her faith conquered her timidity, and she boldly declared to the men of the town that this One was the protnised Messiah. Thus she began to serve by simply telling others about Him. This is another lesson all Chris tians should learn. I III. T he T estimony of the S amaritans (vs. 39-42) The Samaritans came to Jesus be cause of the woman’s testimony, and besought Him to abide with them; He remained there for two memorable days. Undoubtedly during those days He told them what He could and would do for them in answer to their faith in Him. Because of His word, many believed on Him and could then testify from their personal knowledge. By Jlis own word, they came to know that He was "the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” They had received the water of life: this gave them boldness to testify concerning it, and satisfaction in us ing it. They bore witness that the salvation they had received was for
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