King's Business - 1946-12

ious privilege of presenting the Gos­ pel message, but only as hearers are brought into the presence of Christ, are they ever born again. For the Children S ome F oreign P eople L earn A bout G od J ohn 4:5-9,27 MEMORY VERSE: "Jesus of Naz­ areth . . . went about doing good . . . for God was with him" (Acts 10:38). Doubtless you know of some for­ eign groups in your city whom many people hate and to' whom they are unkind. When the Saviour was upon the earth, He taught men that all were equally loved by His Father. One day the Lord Jesus wanted to journey from one part of the land of Palestine to another part. The shortest road led through a land where the Samaritans lived. Since the Jews hated the Samaritans, all Jews who went on the t r i p that Jesus planned to make, took the long road that led around the Samaritan’s land rather than the one which led through it. The Lord Jesus, because He loved all people, took the short road. As He came into the city of Sychar, He saw a well upon which He could sit and rest. A Samaritan woman soon came to draw water. Usually Jews would not even speak to Samaritans, but Jesus said, "Give me to drink.” The woman was surprised that He had spoken to her. As the Saviour talked with the woman, she knew that He was more than just an ordinary man. He told her that He was able to give her spiritual water that would be in her a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Finally Jesus told the woman that He was the Son of God.- The woman be­ lieved his words and quickly returned to the city to ask her friends to come and talk with Jesus. She was so ex­ cited that she forgot to t a k e her waterpot back with her. When the womari told the Samaritans that Jesus had told her all that she had ever done, many of the Samaritans be­ lieved upon Him as the Son of God. They asked Him to stay and talk with them about His Father, so He re­ mained with them two days. Because the Saviour loved those of every race, He told the woman the story of God’s love. Because she loved others, she told the story to them. Are you willing to share the Gospel message with all people? A Whole Year for $1.00 III ILLUSTRATOR make» Sunday-school teaching a pleasure! Write for Free Samples and Special Introductory Prices for Sunday Schools TH E ILLUSTRATOR, Myerstown, Pa.

Food And B ib les Sorely Needed writes our missionary from Bulgaria. Hundreds of Bibles are available in stock in its capital city. Our task is to get the Bibles into the hands of waiting, eager readers. Millions of Russians in the Balkans, the Ukraine, and elsewhere, have never seen the Bible. Heart -rending let­ ters tell how our supplies of food, clothing and the Gospel are sustain­ ing life and renewing hope. All this is a challenge for a blessing. Read “The Friend of Russians” for more news. Copy Sent Free on Request Send Your Contributions at Once to

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HURRY! It is not too late to give a King’s Business subscription for a Christ­ mas present! Your friend will have the January issue, if you hurry!

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