King's Business - 1946-12

lived at Colosse. tie had, quite prob­ ably, taken some of Philemon’s be­ longings. Onesimus did not want his master to catch him, so lie fled to Rome, where he met the Apostle Paul. This meeting may haVe been in the Ro­ man prison. Boys who get into trouble at home usually get into trouble every place they go. Paul soon told this runaway boy about sin’s slavery, and how he could be free from sin by belonging to Christ. On the back of this “I” we see the word "UNPROFITABLE.” Doubtless, Onesimus told Paul of his unfaith­ fulness to his nlaster—how instead of bringing his master profit, he had caused him loss. He was “UNPROFIT­ ABLE” to his master. Paul was wise in that he gave the young man the Gospel of Christ ds a solution to his problem. OnesimilS humbled himself, just as this “I” bends forward, and he received Christ as his Saviour. You now see that the Word “ONESIMUS” is behind the cross. We will turn the cross around and Ibok at the back. It now reads “PROFITABLE.” What a wonderful change! This is why Paul could write to Philemon and say of Onesimus: “Which In time past was to thee unprofitable, but now profit­ able to thee and to me” (Philem. 11). Perhaps some of ybu are “UNPROF­ ITABLE” to your parents and friends. If you will receive Christ, you, like Onesimus, will be changed. When a boy or girl receives the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart, he be­ comes a new creature.

SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introduc­ tions. Rich harmonies. Krillhint, cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for Radio performance. Each. 35c. ALL» THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOO KER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.

CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books. Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many item? for the Christ inn home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Let Angeles 13, Calif.

SURE CURE For DELINQUENCY Through t h e ministry of the Pocket Testament League, thou­ sands of high school students are pledging themselves to daily reading of the Scriptures, with many accepting Christ as their Saviour.

Our field representatives are holding 45 minute services in schools in various sections of our country. In Delaware, Ex-Sgt. Sam Scales received permission to hold such meetings in every high and junior high school in the state. *We thank God for opening this new field. Thousands of Pocket Testa­ ments are distributed free to those who promise to read them. To aid in this splendid evangelistic work to curb juvenile delinquency, your gifts and prayers are earnestly requested. The Pocket Testament League, Inc. National Headquarters 156 Fifth Avenue, Box 7-D New York 10, New York

By E. Schuyler English The official biography of this beloved Mrvant of God. "It is to be hoped that thou* sands of Christian people will read this inspiring record of God's faithfulness to one of His eminent Mrvants who has been a blessing to so many." SU N D AY SCHOOL TIM ES

Fourth Week A S trange S tar

Objects: A silver stàr, a picture of a church, a cloud-shaped piece of card­ board covered with dollar marks, an imitation graduation cap, and a pic­ ture of a couple dancing. Lesson: Here is a Silver star to remind us of the star of Bethlehem, which guided the wise men to the Child. When the wise mfen came near Jeru­ salem, they lost sight of the star. Some people lose sight of God’s lead­ ing before they ever find Christ as Saviour, just as thé wise' men lost sight of the star before they reached the place where the Lord Jesus was. Jerusalem was d religious city, and it could have been that the temple caused them to lose sight of the star. DECEMBER, 1946

INSPIRATIONAL and DEVOTIONAL VERSE . . . by Bob Jones Jr., LL.D• 365 heart-warming, heart•Marching and heart-changing poems selected from among the masterpieces of great poets, both past and preMnt. A splendid gift book.




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