King's Business - 1946-12

Do you know that some churches keep people from finding Christ as Saviour, because they do not teach about Christ’s shedding His blood for us? We will put this picture of a church over the star and hide it, re­ minding us of the way in which some churches keep people from really finding Christ. As clouds often hide stars, so this cloud with dollar marks hides the silver star. Jerusalem was a place of business. Often the accumulation of wealth has caused some to lose sight of that which might lead them to Christ. This college cap hides the star. Some lose the star of God’s guidance in college. They confuse the professor’s theory with scientific fact, and make the mistake of thinking that the Bible is not trustworthy. This picture of dancers hides the star. There are many people who, be­ cause of pleasure, do not follow the leading God gives them, by which they would find Christ. The wise men asked questions until they learned that Christ was to be born in Bethlehem. They were very happy when they were on the road to Bethlehem to again see the star. They followed it and found Christ, who was to die on the cross for the sins of the world. If you do not know Christ, do not let anything hide that which might guide you to Him.

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You will want this new movable, realistic, picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline prob­ lems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be sur­ prised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to—


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You can teach the International Uniform Sunday School Lessons on your flannclboard from beautifully colored cut-outs with flanneiiaed backing. Saves many hours of preparation. This method enables you to hold children's interest by combining word with action. 13 lessons; 13 sets cf cut-outs with clear instructions. Issued quarterly at an amazingly low price—$2.00. PUPIL ACTIVITY HANDWORK for coloring to accompany the Manual, 12c per set. Other flannelboard lessons and accessories for every purpose. Catalog free. Send 10c. for complete samples cf Sunday School quarterlies and papers. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. Millions Without Hope In EUROPE N e e d th e G o spe l N ow ! The opportunities for the cause of Christ in Europe are both unique and tremendous. Europe’s 400,000,000— without hope and peace—constitute a whitened haryest field in which through prayers and gifts you can labor with eternal fruitfulness. Will you bring to these perishing multi­ tudes the hope of the Gospel through the European Christian Mission, a soul-saving work which needs the prayers and the gifts of God’s peo­ ple? EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN MISSION Rev. G. P. Raud, President Rev. T . MacDonald, General Secretary United States: 1105 East 35th Street, Brooklyn 10, New York. Canada: 32 Roxborough St. E., Toronto 5, Ontario. Great Britain: 25, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. 19, England More than a year after the close of war, millions in Europe are still groping after peace. Sick in body and spirit, they can find nothing which offers hope and courage for the future. Truly now is the time for the church of Christ to bring to these helpless millions the hope of the Gospel. The E U R O P E A N CHRIS­ T IA N M ISSION, which has been preaching the Gospel in Europe for over forty years, has European and American missionaries at work in Germany, France, Holland, Poland, Spain, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Missionaries from our British center are now strengthening the hands of these faithful workers, and new American workers are preparing to leave for the Continent in October or November.

F ifth Week A B ig D ebt

Objects: A capital “D” and a pair of scissors. (Make the “D” from a piece of paper 4% inches high and 514 in­ ches wide. Make the upright bar % of an inch wide. Make the circle part % of an inch wide, extending to the left of the upright 14 inch at the top and bottom. Take another piece of paper 414x11 inches and fold, mak­ ing the size 414x514 inches, and cut a "U” with the fold of the paper at the upper tips, so that when opened it will make a large “O." The “U” should be so cut as to fit, unnoticed, back of the “D.” The front of the “D” should be black, and the back gold. The in­ side of the "O” should be gold. Before the class gathers, the “D,” concealing the folded “O,” should be fastened to the blackboard with thumbtacks. If the tacks are put along the edge and not through the paper, they will TH E K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S


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