King's Business - 1946-12

Russian Events ml inthe Light of Bible Prophecy

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00 JO IN DAILY . B IB L E R EAD ER S CLUB. H elps children an d a d u lts becom e Bible readers. W rite for inform ation. See our other ad v ertisem en ts th is pase. C h ristian E d u ca­ tion C om pany, D ept. K . Box 31, H ighland, 111. FA1VRE ANNOTATED N EW TESTAM ENT. E nglish 50 cents, Bound copies $1.10, French, G erm an 60 cents. Alice F o n tan n az, 506 O ak­ dale Ave., Chicago 14, 111. N EW E F F E C T IV E TRACTS F R E E IN a n y q u an tity for d istrib u tio n to th e u n ­ saved: “W h a t H ave YOU Done W ith CH R IST ?” “ T he Most Im p o rtan t Q uestion of T oday,” “ Ju d g e or S aviour,” T he R es­ u rrected B ody," "P re p a re NOW for th e GREA TEST EV EN T in th e W O R LD S H ISTORY .” A ddress N eal E . H uff, 611 S. B roadw ay, P ittsb u rg , K ans. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SE T - tin g for your hym n-poem . A ssured editorial consideration. Music composed, arran g ed , edited and p rin ted . N ew liooks. P oetic M etre —E xplained, 25c. E st. 1918. R aym ond Iden, (K .B .) M ount V ernon, Ohio. B IB L E F ILM STR IPS (600 PIC TU R E S ) $24. Also projectors, film strips. See o u r o th er ad v ertisem en ts on th is page. .C hristian E d ­ ucation Com pany, D ept. K, Box 31, H ig h ­ land, 111. SUCCESSFUL CHR ISTIAN ED ITOR, m ale, would like to w ork for C h ristian publisher of new spaper, m agazine. B est references. B ox 482, Bellflower, Calif. ROLLS D E V ELO PED EXTRA ENLARGED p rin ts, 8 exposures, 30c; 12 exposures 40c; 16 exposures 50c. R ep rin ts 10 or m ore, 4c each. 5x7 en larg em en ts 25c. 8x10 40c. W rite for souvenir. Mt. H oreb P hoto Service, Box 583, M t. H oreb, W is. B EG INN ER S AU THO R SH IP COURSE, 50c. P acific School of Jo u rn alism , Bellflow er, C alifornia. T H E W ILSON IN D EX SYSTEM OF F IL - in g an d indexing. D esigned for needs of clergym en an d o th e r B ible stu d e n ts. C ir­ cu lars upon request. W ilson In d ex Com ­ pany, E a s t H adoam , Conn. STR ENG TH EN CHR IST IAN HOMES BY in tro d u cin g T he C h ristian P are n t, m onthly p a re n t m agazine on Bible b asis (Includes daily devotions for children) $1.50 y ear. T he C hildren’s H our, w eekly pap er w ith stories th a t help children love Jesu s, 50 cen ts year, less in q u an tity . See o u r o th er ad v e rtise ­ m en ts th is page. C h ristian E d u catio n Com ­ pany, D ept. K, Box 31, H ighland, 111._______ M ISSIONARIES AND EVANG EL IST S — M onthly le tte rs m im eographed an d m ailed. W rite M rs. E d n a D unn, 1135 F ed o ra Ave., F resn o , Calif. All arra n g em en ts can be h an d led by m a i l . ___________ _______ W AN TED : MANAGER FOR SMALL MA- chine shop in L os A ngeles, C alifornia. M ust be firs t of all a fu n d am en tal C h ristian ac- cording to Jo h n 3:16. M ust h av e th e Qualifi" catio n s fo r th is position: E n g in eerin g and p ractical experience in fine m achine w ork, tool die and ex p erim en tal w ork, estim atin g an d m an u factu rin g of articles. A ggressive middle aged m an w ho is ab le to handle w orkers an d w ork, an d is w illing to p u t fo rth h is b est effo rts fo r th e w elfare of the business. Good sa lary for rig h t m an. A n ­ sw er Box No. 752, K in g 's B usiness. WANTED— Fundamentalist Baptist Minis­ ter with standard degrees in theology and Christian Education desires to re-engage in an active ministry. Good record. Best references. Box 752 Kng's Business.

A Yuletide editorial out of the past. W HETHER the Son of Irfan, our blessed Lord, was born in Decem­ ber or in April is not of great conse­ quence to. us. We have no time for the controversy. We know He was born of a virgin. We know He was "God manifest in the flesh.” We know that by faith in Him we are born again. And all the petty quibblers, or professed schol­ ars, or so-called "scientists” the world has ever produced, cannot shake our faith in these facts. Some things we know, and this we know—that we have passed out of death into life eternal. We have only pity for these “raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame—murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts and speaking great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage,” who deny all the fun­ damentals of our faith. We are glad for the Christmas time in which we can, with joyful hearts, commemorate His lowly birth and thank God for the manger-cradle in which He slept; for the open Heaven and the angelic proclamation, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Faith in this fact has made a divid­ ing line among the nations and has given us the stalwarts for the propa­ gation and preservation of the Scrip­ tures. To the modernists Jesus was only a good man—the best that ever lived; but He claimed to be “Christ . . . over all, God blessed for ever.” God appointed feast days for Israel, but none for. the Church, for every day is a feast day with a true believer, and even a fast day for the body is a wonderful feast day for the soul. But many a soul has been won among the children and the older .ones at the Christmas time. So let us gather with our loved ones and friends and children, and voice with glad hearts our joy and re­ joicing. In the giving of our gifts, let us be guided by the Holy Spirit, not forgetting Him and His interests, giving Him the best who deserves the best, and be gladdened in knowing that we shall find such gifts among the treasures laid up for us in Heaven. —T. C. HORTON The King's Business, December, 1923.

N early 200 P ag es . . . Cloth Bound, $1.25 Sa'ne, S crip tu ral, dep ictin g p resen t day con­ ditions as prophecied by th e Bible. LIGH T PROM BIBLE PROPH ECY 169 P ag es . . . Cloth Bound, $1.25 Both books by Louis 8. Bauman, D.D., widely know n P ro p h etic T each er an d L ec­ tu rer. — FREE— A copy of Dr. Bauman's AS IN T H E DAYS O F NOAH AND LOT will be sen t free w ith an o rd er for both of th e above books. R eg­ ular price, 20c. All three for $2.50 Postpaid. ALAN S. PEARCE 1925 E. 5th St., Dept. KB, Long Beach, Calif. SPAIN? Only THREE evangelical preach­ ers of the Gospel for every 2,000,- 000 Spaniards are spreading the blessed Gospel of Jesus in Spain. Come over and help us. SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION Rev. Zacarias P. Carles, B.A., L.Th., S.C.T., Founder and Director 3 Hillsboro Ave. Toronto. 5, Canada Send for FREE copy of R STUDY IN PROPHECY A 12-page Scriptural study Christian Witness to Israel Rm. 205, 69 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 3. N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED SACRED RECORDINGS t Y w » | People's Church ef Hie Air

• L Whitney wMi chimes mnd «Hire hery Heeow ef Rest Qwertet Honeymoon lin e «h im end Others


FRIE Cátele«

1S14 decker St.. Dos Meinee 14 lesse

MERRY CHRISTMAS from me (D arlene), my Momle and my Dad. W e’re going to have a tree w ith lights and sing from , QLAD GOSPEL SONGS No. 1—and No. 2—35c ea., 3 for $1.00 postpaid, U.S.A. “ The Dance,’’ “ Devil Goes Fishin’.’’ Talks for youth. Same prices. GLAD GOSPEL PRESS

5221 E. Broadway, Long Beach 3, Calif.

N=/rT r v jK m e ® J ? 5 b^llEW YEAR ORDER STANDARD’S 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIAL Literature (or every need. Quarterlies on Uniform and Graded lessons (or all ages, (or teachers, pupils; C. E. Helps. Weekly story papers and family magazine. Send (or complete information. The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio



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