Senior Project Manager - Defra Capital Lead - Kew Gardens

Project Case Studies

Wakehurst Mansion The Wakehurst Mansion Roof Project will conserve the Horsham slate roof of the Grade I listed Building. The project is a £6m investment in the property and is being delivered over three years. Alongside the conservation work, Kew has developed an ambitious engagement strategy, including the production of unique scaffold wrap. The works comprise: • Replacement of existing roof covering. • Sensitive repair of roof timbers. • Conservation of high-level masonry. • Replacement of all leadwork and re-sizing of existing gutters. • Repair and redecoration of roof level windows. • Improve the fire compartmentation and thermal performance of the roof. • Limit the impact of the works on Wakehurst staff and visitors. • Engage the public in the project. • Develop a cyclical maintenance plan to ensure the improved condition of the building is sustained into the future. Orangery Refurbishment This project conserved and refurbished the Orangery Restaurant at Kew. The project focussed on the Grade I listed part of the building and toilets in the modern rear extension (the severy and kitchens are out of scope). The work comprised internal and external refurbishment works (including lighting and acoustics) to improve the ‘look and feel’ of the restaurant, so that it can retain its status as Kew’s premier events venue and ability to drive revenue. The project was completed in 2023 and at a cost of £1.4m.

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