
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — March 14 - 27, 2014 — 13A


C entral PA Also leasing an additional 2,875 s/f of retail space Deerin, Deerin & Nicholson of LMS Commercial rep. landlord in 6,895 s/f lease H ANOVER, PA — LMS Commercial Real Estate , a pri- by Donna Deerin Ward , Joseph Deerin and David Nicholson of LMS Commer- cial Real Estate.

Riley , of LMS Commercial Real Estate. Additionally KCKP Nails has leased 1,875 s/f at Spring Forge Shoppes, 570 North Main St., Spring Grove. The landlord and tenant was rep- resented by Ryan Myers , Blake Gross and Jeremiah Hamilton , of LMS Commer- cial Real Estate. n and Equipment Loan and Tax Exempt Financing have been used for many of the projects that have occurred within the County. These State grant and low interest funds have helped to reduce costs significantly. Overall, remember utilizing your area Economic Develop- ment Corporation can help you to step forward in the right direction. We are proud that we have taken definitive steps in real estate development. These strides taken byLebanon County partners have helped to enhance the competitive edge! n

vately owned real estate company based in Lancaster, have recently arranged a 6,895 s/f lease to Advance Auto Parts at South Ha- nover Shopping Center, 849 Baltimore St., Hanover. The landlord was represented

In York, LMS Commercial Real Estate recently arranged the 1,000 s/f lease to Constel- lation at Gabriel Brothers Plaza, 1262 Greensprings Drive, York. The landlord was represented by Travis alleviate long waiting periods. Financing Adding the availability and easy access of low interest finding options has aided de- velopment. As the Area Loan Organization the LVEDC is the conduit for low interest financ- ing programs. Access to these programs is another great tool for real estate development. The State offers an array of low interest financing programs that help to spur development. The many programs such as; Infrastructure Development Program (IDP) funds, Small Business First, Machinery

South Hanover Shopping Center

Creating a Competitive Edge; a step in the right direction... continued from page 11A activityonanewly added vacant parcel. With slim budgets and competition, business owners are always looking for ways to remain profitable. Having tax incentives means a great deal to them. Established Parks the Governor’s Action Team and many others in the real estate arena. They assist in marketing all the industrial sites in the County and keep an updated database of County in- dustrial sites readily available. Showcasing the whole array of industrial parks that are easily accessible and developmentally ready has proven to be an ef- fective step in helping to lure development into the area. Regulations with Ease slowed down because of restric- tive and extended timelines. Lebanon County officials have taken steps to ensure that the permitting process is done with ease. Lebanon County Plan- ning Department has done an excellent job in streamlining this process and has been in- strumental in helping to make projects occur in the County, because of the short permitting process. Many of the Township supervisors are pro-business and understand the benefits of helping real estate transactions occur in a timely manner. They have set standards that help to Lebanon County is fortunate to have an abundance of indus- trial parks with infrastructure capacity to meet the demands of development.As amajor land owner/developer the LVEDC understands the importance of close working relationships with realtors, site developers, Another step was to take a close look at the permitting and land development process. Real estate transactions can often be

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Representing clients in the Central Pennsylvania region of: tHarrisburg tCarlisle tYork tLebanon tLancaster tHershey

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PHILADELPHIA METRO OFFICE: 8614 Montgomery Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-836-2510 LANCASTER OFFICE: 1853 William Penn Way, P.O. Box 10368 Lancaster, PA 17605-0368 717-672-0614

PITTSBURGH OFFICE: 201 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412-253-6569

NEW JERSEY OFFICE: 100 Overlook Center, Suite 200 Princeton, NJ 08540 609-920-0268

20 Erford Road, Lemoyne, PA 17043 I 717-731-1990 I www.landmarkcr.com


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