
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — March 14 - 27, 2014 — C


John Harrison REISA

Alan Fruitman 1031tax.com

Stan Freeman Exchange Strategies

Christine LaTulip Edmund & Wheeler, Inc.

Lee David Medinets Madison Exchange

Pamela Michaels, Esq. Asset Preservation, Inc.

Scott Rotkowitz IPX1031

Bryan Mick, Esq. Mick & Associates, P.C., LLO

Scott Saunders Asset Preservation, Inc.

Diane Schaefer Exchange Solutions

Tim Snodgrass, J. D., AXXCESS Capital

INSIDE S cott R. S aunders and P amela A. M ichaels , E sq ., A sset P reservation , I nc ............................................ 7C A lan F ruitman , 1031 tax . com .................................. 8C S cott R otkowitz , IPX1031. .................................... 9C Mick & Associates, P.C., LLO................................. 10C T im S nodgrass , J. D., AXXCESS C apital . ............. 11C L ee D avid M edinets , E sq ., CES( r ), M adison E xchange ................................................. 12C C hristine L a T ulip , E dmund & W heeler , I nc ......... 13C

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