

We believe our people are the most important element of a franchise.

When we offer a job at Banjo’s, what we are really offering is a career path. From entry level to store manager to franchisee, nothing makes us more proud than to watch and encourage the development of our committed staff. As a franchisee, you can call on our training expertise to help you improve your own skills, as well as those of your staff. We can provide access to traineeships in both hospitality operations and food processing. We also provide an eLearning site called BREAD (Banjo’s Resource Education and Development) that pro- vides you and your staff with all the induction, training and information you need to work at Banjo’s. With such a promising career path to look forward to, it’s no wonder Banjo’s attracts and retains enthusiastic and committed employees. We’ll also help you with the day to day HR issues that are just as much a part of the business as the baking process. The BREAD site provides you with documentation such as position descriptions, interview tools, contracts, policies, procedures, WHS information and the Banjo’s network newsletter TOAST.

Banjo’s will support you in Workplace Health and Safety, industrial relations, payroll support and recruitment. Advice from our experts on all of these is available whenever you need it.


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