6. SPECIAL PERMITS • Address of the establishment, including phone, fax number, and e-mail. • Commercial activity and opening hours • Duration of the license for which the application is submitted. (2, 4 or 6 years) • Place and date of application • Signature of the applicant b. Power of Attorney; original and copy, duly authenticated (where applicable) c. Company or Merchant´s Articles of Incorporation, both original and copy duly registered, or in its absence a copy, duly authenticated. d. Affidavit of new sanitary license for the establishment duly authenticated and signed by the legal representative of the company. e. Sketchmap of the establishment address. f. Distribution plans of the internal and external areas according to the type of establishment and photographs of it. g. Recovery fee for services provided. *Sanitary license for establishments of sanitary interest, at the option of the interested party, shall be valid for two (2), four (4), or six (6) years, from the date of its granting. *Renewal of a sanitary license is only applicable when applying 3 months before the expiry date. A request for an overdue renewal can be made up to 6 months after the expiry date. ONLINE PROCESS https://arsa.gob.hn/paginas/tramites To complete the process, youmust register with a Google account.


1. Before completing the form, ensure that all documents are ready for attachment. 2. Complete the form, providing correct and true information, correct requested changes as appropriate otherwise penalties may incur. Complete form in capital letters, without spelling errors and according to the legal supporting documents. 3. Once the form is completed, a confirmation of entry of the application will be received and a file number assigned for new sanitary registration or a confirmation of the file number in case of renewal. 4. There will be sixty (60) business days from the first working day after the end of the State of Emergency, to complete the original documentation and submit it to ARSA. Otherwise, the authorization will be cancelled. Once the state of emergency is suspended, the original documentation must be submitted to ARSA within 60 business days. Otherwise, the authorization will be cancelled. *THE DOCUMENT MUST BE PDF FORMAT (10 MB each); in case of a document larger than one sheet, sheets must be scanned and uploaded as a single file. REMEMBER TO ATTACH LEGIBLE DOCUMENTS. * When presenting the application, keep in mind that the service is provided according to working hours and days. * The name and photograph associated with the Google account will be registered when uploading files and submission of the form.

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