Hutton Collections Catalogue 2018

Location, location, location

Liffol-Le-Grand, home to Pierre Counot-Blandin, has been awarded the prestigious Indication Géographique. The IG is given to select businesses in specific regions in France that specialize in the highest quality of regionally specific products and practices. The IG stamp is a guarantee to clients that their products are made by 13 designated specialists during each of the 23 stages of production; and that it all took place in Liffol-Le-Grand. Wood must come from sustainable forests (certified PEFC or FSC). Materials must not contain Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s). Liffol le Grand was a natural choice for manufacturers in the 17th century because of its lush forests. In that same period the menuisiers and wood sculptor’s of Liffol quickly became the premiere furnishings resource for the ebeniste’s from Paris’ Faubourg Saint Antoine region of Paris. Pierre Counot Blandin was the first company to recieve the prestigious IG label “Siège de Liffol”.

For more informationplease visit: sieg

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