TJS Red Angus - 17th Annual 'Red Truck' Sale [2/7/25]


Lot 7

TJH vitality L155 5/14/2023 TJH/L155 A-100% AR #4893560 S A V AMERICA 8018

Performance BW

Lot 7... a fresh pedigree with all the fixings!


71 563 1510

AWW 12/13 Wt. Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA

VGW ENHANCER 378 43.0 cm 54.5 in. 5.53 17.6 in. GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA TJH LARKABA Z115 PROS :103( 51%) EPDS 38 16 -2.0 61 99 23 10 11 8 18 0.44 0.16 15 -0.09 Top% 78 16 46 67 63 77 82 57 32 8 45 91 79 90 TJH LARKABA D289 PAP : 38

- Vitality L155 is a bull that checks alot of the boxes when it comes to doing things right. His exciting outcross pedigree combined with his big carcass scan, huge testicles, low PAP score, and exceptional phenotype make him a true herd bull contender. - His sire, TJS Constitution J610, is a black/red carrier bull that we’re extremely excited about. He brings us a complete outcross pedigree with his sire, the $1.51 million dollar SAV America 8018, and his maternal grand- sire, Red MRLA Resource 137E. Watch for more to come out of this exciting young sire. - The dam, Larkaba D289, provides some outcross genetics as well with her sire, VGW Enhancer 378, a bull that maternally stacks Angus Pathfinder sires, Future Direction and Traveler. The foundation dam is royally bred, stacking foundation sires, TJS Berry Cherry, Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 and Lman Robin Hood 1174B. - Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.


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