The 39th NVGAG Frequently Asked Questions will provide answers to the most frequently asked questions in reference to the National Veterans Golden Age Games Event, that will occur in Memphis, Tennessee May 31-June 5, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the National Veterans Golden Age Games? A: Inspired by programs that promote healthy aging, fitness and recreation, VA initiated the National Veterans Golden Age Games in 1985 to underscore the preventive and therapeutic value of sports medicine for older Veterans who receive health care at VA facilities. When VA held its first National Veterans Golden Age Games in Albany, Georgia, the mission was clear — physical activity through competitive sports that can add positive outcomes for better health and wellness. Through its “Fitness for Life” focus, the National Veterans Golden Age Games is a premier showcase for the rehabilitation value that sports, fitness, and wellness provide in the lives of Veterans ages 55 and beyond. VA research and clinical experience verify that sports rehabilitation plays a crucial role to help with weight loss, improves chronic conditions, and provides a fun way to destress. With VA recreation therapists and clinicians as their coach, Veterans benefit from year-round rehabilitation and fitness programs at their local VA facilities to remain physically engaged and give them an extra boost of confidence. Today, the National Veterans Golden Age Games is 39 years strong and the only multi- sport competition in the world designed to improve the quality of life for all older Veterans, including those with a wide range of abilities. VA hosts the event in a new city each year as Veterans look forward to a reunion with their community of brothers and sisters, just as they did in military service. Q: How do I qualify to participate in the National Veterans Golden Age Games? A: To participate in the National Veterans Golden Age Games, you must be 55 years old or beyond by December 31, 2025, and enrolled for health care with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To enroll in VA health care, please submit the Application for Health Benefits OR VA Registration (VA Form 1010EZ) which can be found here.
Q : Where is the National Veterans Golden Age Games being held? A: The Golden Age Games is a traveling event, partnering with a different host VA medical center and city each year. The 2025 Golden Age Games will take place May 31 – June 5, 2025, in Memphis, Tennessee. Athletes and coaches should plan to arrive on May 30, 2025. Departures should take place on June 6, 2025.
Q: How long does the National Veterans Golden Age Games last? A: The Golden Age Games event lasts for seven (7) days. May 30, 2025: Athlete arrival and registration check-in.
May 31, 2025: Registration check-in continues with a Health and Wellness expo in the morning. Sport competitions start in the afternoon. The Parade of Athletes opening ceremony is hosted in the evening.
June 1 – June 5, 2025: Sport competitions, exhibition events and the Passing of the Torch Celebration on the final day.
Late registration check-in is available for athletes who are unable to attend the entire week. Athletes must check-in the day before their first competition.
Q: How do I register for the National Veterans Golden Age Games? A. Follow these 5 easy steps below!
1. Connect: Get to know the Golden Age Games online. Sport offerings, event schedules, and Frequently Asked Questions are on the website: 2. Create a Profile: A profile is required, and you will need an account to get started. Click here to create your Golden Age Games profile. 3. Time to Register: Wait for the announcement to register and act fast. Spaces generally close within hours. The link will be emailed and posted on the Golden Age Games website.
4. Medical Clearance: Once you register, make an appointment for your medical clearance. You must submit it to participate. Click below to download upload instructions. Medical Clearance Upload Guide 5. Prepare and Train: Preparation is key to ensure a healthy and fun experience at the event. Practice and stay active. Reach out to your local VA rehabilitation/recreation therapy team to ask about local sports/adaptive sports.
Stay in touch!
Click here to get email updates and the latest information for the National Veterans Golden Age Games.
Q: What is the deadline for registering for the National Veterans Golden Age Games? A: To increase the number of athletes, registration will now close once the event reaches the maximum limit of participants for each sport. Typically, spots fill up within just a few hours after registration opens. Athletes are encouraged to register promptly when the process begins. Please note that registration will NOT be available onsite.
Athletes may join a waiting list by following the guidance in the online registration instructions if a sport or total registration has reached capacity. – NEED TO UPDATE
Q: When will I receive my confirmation that my registration has been accepted? A: Confirmations are sent immediately via email at the completion of your online registration. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 48 hours, please contact the Golden Age Games Team. Q: When will the detailed schedule with event dates and venues be available? A: Specific event times, dates, and locations will be posted on the Golden Age Games website no later than January of the competition year. ***Please note: The event schedule and venues are subject to change.
Q : What are the medal sports offered at the 2025 National Veterans Golden Age Games? A: The National Veterans Golden Age Games medal sports are updated each year. Listed below are the sports and exhibitions that will be offered for the 2025 Golden Age Games. * Exhibitions are subject to change.
Ambulatory, Visually Impaired, Wheelchair Divisions
Ambulatory, Wheelchair
Ambulatory, Visually Impaired, Wheelchair *( Exhibition )
Singles, *Open Doubles; Ambulatory
3-on-3 Half Court: Ambulatory; Free Throw: Ambulatory, Visually Impaired, Wheelchair
Visually Impaired
Wheelchair * (Exhibition)
Ambulatory, Wheelchair * (Exhibition) Singles, *Open Doubles; Ambulatory Singles; Wheelchair and Visually Impaired
Singles; Ambulatory, Wheelchair and Visually Impaired Ambulatory, Wheelchair and Visually Impaired
CYCLING 5K Timed Trials; 20K Road Race: Ambulatory (At Home) ADAPTIVE CYCLING 5k Timed Trials; 20K Road Race (Recumbent and 3-wheel trikes, Handcycle): Ambulatory and Wheelchair (At Home) FIELD Discus, Javelin, Long Jump and Shot Put, Ambulatory FISHING Ambulatory, Visually Impaired, Wheelchair * (Exhibition) GOLF 18 -Hole Scratch Play (9 -Hole ages 80+ and VI) Ambulatory and Visually Impaired HORSESHOES Singles; Ambulatory, Wheelchair and Visually Impaired BILLARDS (8 ball) Singles; Ambulatory and Wheelchair NINJA COURSE Ambulatory and Visually Impaired * (Exhibition) PICKLEBALL Doubles, Mixed Doubles; Ambulatory Division POWER LIFTING Ambulatory, Visually Impaired and Wheelchair * (Exhibition) POWERWALK 1500M Ambulatory and Visually Impaired SHUFFLEBOARD Singles; Ambulatory, Wheelchair and Visually Impaired
Backstroke: 25,50,100yd.; Breaststroke: 25,50,100 yd.; Freestyle: 25,50,100yd.; 75 IM; Ambulatory, Visually Impaired, and Wheelchair
Singles; Ambulatory and Wheelchair
50m,100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m; Ambulatory
Ambulatory * (Exhibition)
Note: Open doubles may be same or mixed male and female
Q. I signed up for a double event and listed my partner, but my partner did not register for the double event. Can they still participate as my partner? A: No. They would have had to register for the double event as well to be your partner. Please contact the Golden Age Games Team to see if they can still be added to the competition. This is not guaranteed. Q: How many sports can I register for? A: For 2025, athletes in the ambulatory division can register for a maximum of five (5) sports. There are some sports that have several events within the sport, such as: boccia, cycling, field, pickleball, swimming, and track. Any limitations within each of these sports will all be determined and in the Golden Age Games Guidelines prior to the start of online registration. Q: Are the sports and exhibitions limited to a specific number of participants? A: The Golden Age Games may place a cap on the total number of entries for sport and exhibition events to ensure a high-quality competition can be completed within the allotted time frame. The Golden Age Games is not able to accommodate individual schedule requests. If athletes registered for events and/or exhibitions that conflict, they are not guaranteed participation in those events and event officials will not delay competitions.
Q: What are the classifications for the National Veterans Golden Age Games? A: All age classifications will be determined by the athlete’s age as of December 31st of the competition year. There are eight (8) age classifications: 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90+. Athletes will compete by male or female in the following events: adaptive cycling (At Home), badminton singles, bowling, blind disc golf, cornhole, cycling (At Home), field, golf, horseshoes, pickleball, powerwalk, shuffleboard, swimming, table tennis and track.
Athletes will compete in an open competition in the following events: air pistol, air rifle, badminton doubles, boccia, and billiards (8 ball).
Ambulatory athletes will have a separate division in the following events: air pistol, air rifle, badminton, basketball, boccia, bowling, cornhole, cycling, field, golf, horseshoes, billiards (8 ball), pickleball, powerwalk, shuffleboard, swimming, table tennis and track. Wheelchair athletes will have a separate division in the following events: adaptive cycling, basketball free throw, boccia, bowling, cornhole, horseshoes, billiards (8 ball), shuffleboard, swimming, and table tennis. Athletes in this division may also register for air pistol and air rifle but will compete with Veteran athletes in the ambulatory division. Wheelchair division award medals will not be given for air pistol and air rifle. Visually impaired athletes will have a separate division in the following events: air rifle, basketball free throw, boccia, bowling, blind disc golf, cornhole, golf, horseshoes, and shuffleboard. Athletes in this division may also register for powerwalk and swimming but will compete with Veteran athletes in the ambulatory division. Visually Impaired division award medals will not be given for powerwalk and swimming competitions.
Athletes may only register for and compete in ONE division during the competition.
Q: Which sports have medals? A: Name of Sport & Events
Air Pistol
1st-8th place
Air Rifle
1st-8th place
Badminton Doubles
1st-4th place
Badminton Singles
1st-4th place
Basketball Free Throw
1st-8th place
Billiards (8 ball)
1st-4th place
Disc Golf
1st-8th place
Boccia Doubles
1st-4th place
Boccia Singles
1st-4th place
1st-8th place
Bowling Adaptive:
1st-8th place
1st-4th place
1st-4th place
Field Discus
1st-8th place
Field Javelin
1st-8th place
Field Long Jump
1st-8th place
Field Shot Put
1st-8th place
1st-8th place
1st-4th place
Name of Sport & Events
1st-4th place
Pickleball Female Doubles
Pickleball Male Doubles
1st-4th place
Pickleball Mixed Doubles
1st-4th place
Power Walk 1500m
1st-8th place
1st-4th place
1st-8th place
Table Tennis
1st-4th place
All medals must be picked up during the Games . Medals will not be mailed.
Q: Where can I find the rules for the sports competitions? A: The Golden Age Games Guidelines will be available on the Golden Age Games website by November/December of the previous competition year. Q: How can I train year-round for the event? A: Athletes should understand the rules of each sport and practice in preparation for the Golden Age Games. Athletes may train independently or may be part of a VA team training with their Golden Age Games Coach. Athletes who are not currently part of a team may want to contact their local VA Medical Center’s physical medicine and rehabilitation department and ask for the recreation therapy team to assist with local sports/adaptive sports opportunities.
Athletes may also reach out to local YMCAs, gyms, and/or adaptive sport clubs to inquire about equipment/support to assist you with training for your competitions.
Q: Will I need medical clearance to participate? A: All athletes are required to have their Primary Care Physician (VA or non-VA) complete and sign the National Veterans Golden Age Games Medical Clearance Form (completed within 6 months of the event) and submit an EKG (completed within the last year). Medical Clearance Forms and EKG’s must be completed and submitted by April 30 th , 2025 . These forms should be completed using the note template titled “National Veterans Golden Age Games Medical Clearance Form” note title in CPRS or uploaded through the registration platform. CLICK HERE for instructions. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO COMPETE WITHOUT A MEDICAL CLEARANCE FORM ON FILE. IF YOUR FORM IS NOT RECEIVED BY THE DEADLINE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE. ***Please note: The Golden Age Games involves significant walking within venues. Therefore, athletes should bring their own mobility equipment (i.e., walker, cane, wheelchair), if needed, as these will NOT be provided by the Games. Q: How do I obtain a National Veterans Golden Age Games Medical Clearance Form? A: Medical clearance paper forms will be available for download on the Golden Age Games website, at least six months before the start of the Event VA Primary Care Physicians may also utilize a note template in the VA electronic healthcare records system (CPRS) Note Title: National Veterans Golden Age Games Medical Clearance to complete the medical clearance. Q: Are there specific hotels I should be staying at? A: Yes, the Golden Age Games will secure room blocks with discounted rates at hotels within Memphis. The reservation information for these host hotels will be provided with the confirmation email during the online registration. Only registered athletes and coaches will have access to the room blocks . Lodging payment is the responsibility of the athlete or coach. Q: How do I make my travel arrangements? A: All athletes and coaches are responsible for their travel arrangements to and from the host city . It is recommended that Veterans contact their local VA Medical
Center and/or or a local Veterans Service Organization (VSO) for information on any financial assistance that may be available. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you receive your registration confirmation email.
Q: Will transportation be provided between the airport and event venues? A: The National Veterans Golden Age Games will provide ground transportation from the airport to the Golden Age Games host hotels on the main arrival day (May 30, 2025) at 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 am (May 31, 2025), and from the National Veterans Golden Age Games host hotels to the airport on the main departure day at 3:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (June 6, 2025). Specific airport shuttle times will be listed in the Transportation Schedule. Arrivals and departures outside of these times will NOT be supported by Golden Age Games transportation and are the responsibility of the participant. Transportation will only be provided between the host hotels and all the official Golden Age Games venues.
If you choose to stay at a non-Golden Age Games hotel, you will be responsible for your own transportation needs.
Q: Will the National Veterans Golden Age Games provide meals? A: Each registered Veteran will receive one (1) meal voucher per day to help offset meals during their time at the Golden Age Games. This meal voucher will be used at the main event venue (convention center) for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There will be several concessions stands at the main event venue where the meal voucher can be used.
Additional information about the types of food available will be shared prior to the event to help Veterans plan according to their dietary restrictions.
For more information about the Golden Age Games, be sure to sign up/subscribe for email updates at: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (
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