Loren Half Robinson Foundation

5 of the major tell-tale signs that it’s time to check into a treatment facility full time include:

Health induced drug problems When one gets to a point where their normal bodily functions are hampered by their drug use, then it’s time to re-evaluate their decision to get professional help. Opioids can reduce breathing causing brain damage while also causing harm to the heart. Alcohol addiction can cause liver damage which can also be fatal. Getting to such points should trigger one to seek help.

Strained relationships When the relationship between a person and their spouse or other family members and friends is increasingly becoming difficult as a result of their indulging in recreational drugs and alcohol, then it is time to check in for professional help. This includes constantly getting angry or defensive when they question their use of these drugs.

Causing self harm or harming others This can manifest in a variety of ways such as driving under the influence of drugs and posing trouble not only to you but other road users as well. Wanting to cause bodily harm to yourself is also a tell-tale sign that you need to get help.

Failing at self weaning off the drugs You might be willing and ready to overcome your addiction but all your efforts constantly end in failure. This is good place to understand that there is help available to help you through the journey to get better and checking into a facility.

Lying about your use of drugs If you have to lie about it then that is already a problem you are in denial about. Getting to a point where you cannot be truthful about how much drugs or alcohol you use is a sign of shame at just how much you are using and at that point getting professional help is advised.

Getting to a point of overdosing on a drug or suffering alcohol poisoning should also be a motivating factor to go straight into a rehab facility. This is however a risky point to wait to get to as one may not always recover from an overdose. Seeking professional help as soon as possible will help avoid such situations entirely.

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