Muoviplast 1/2025

Tieteestä & Tekniikasta

From Tampere to southeast and from Kharagpur to northwest

Text and figures: Mikko Kanerva, Tampere University, Plastics and Elastomer Technology

One of the most precious if not the most precious research and university education concept in India is the Indian Insti- tute of Technology (IIT). The IIT chain divides further into dif- ferent levels of IIT performance and quality. The oldest IIT with research and education of rubbers and elastomers is the IIT Kharagpur. Kharagpur is located west of Kolkata, in the North of India. IIT Kharagpur is in the best five of IITs and used to enjoy the first place several times. Indian Government funds especial bi-lateral collaborations with a funding tool called SPARC [1]. Tampere University and IIT Kharagpur have collaborated for around two years in an elastomer-focused SPARC project. The following text intro-

duces two doctoral students working in the project and visi- ting Finland: M.Sc. Ramya Devi and M.Sc. Piyush Gupta. Ramya Devi has an education background in the field of chemical engineering and rubber technology. She started her doctoral studies under supervision of Professor Santa- nu Chattopadhyay at the Rubber Technology Centre (RTC) [2] during the year 2022. Her research is not only covered by SPARC but also the defence research and organization, DRDO in India. During the visit at Tampere University, Ramya focu- ses on finite element analysis (FEA) of fabric reinforced elas- tomers. These materials are layered systems of thermoplas- tic polyurethane (TPU) and tough woven fibrous layers. The

Finite element analysis (von Mises stresses, image visualization from Abaqus software) of an aerostat with canvas shell.

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