composite of with these layers is a type of canvas [3], and it could be used for various applications, such as pressurized aerial vehicles. The TPU recipe Ramya has developed and characterized prior to the visit to supplement the model- ling with data. The numerical work for FEA is supervised by Associate professor Mikko Kanerva and advised by Assis- tant Professor Mythravaruni Pullela (IIT Kharagpur). FEA results will be used to study the effects of in-plane anisotro- py in various applications (see Fig. 1). Piyush Gupta has education background in fibres and tex- tile before moving to postgraduate studies. He has extensi- ve experience in working for manufacture of products, such as fibre-reinforced machine belts, and paper and cardboard. He started his doctoral studies in the year 2022 under super- vision of Professor Santanu Chattopadhyay (at RTC). During the SPARC project, his research is supported by Dr. Amit Das and Professor Matti Mäntysalo (Future electronics, Tampere University). Piyush develops triboelectric elastomer systems. The materials are based on specialty elastomers [4] such as silicone rubbers [5] with nano-scale particles for the functio- nal features. These materials can be the solution to genera- te and store energy locally in various products, e.g. triboele- ctric sensors and nanogenerators [6].
References [1] The Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), schemes/human-resource-and-development/sparc-scheme- promotion-academic-and-research-collaboration [2] Rubber Technology Centre of Rubber Technology Department, IIT Kharagpur, [3] Devi R.K., Chattopadhyay, S. Development of long-lasting polyurethane nanocomposite films and lifetime estimation of aerostat using FEA, poster presented at National Rubber Conference (NRC 2023), held in Kolkata, India. [4] Gupta, P., Chattopadhyay, S. Influence of Basalt filler for the development of ceramizable and zero halogen fire retarding composites, poster presented at National Rubber Conference (NRC 2023), held in Kolkata, India. [5] Saichon, S., Vittayakorn, N. Hybrid piezoelectric- triboelectric nanogenerators for flexible electronics: Recent advances and perspectives, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, Vol 7 (Issue 3), 2022.
Kundu, A., Arief, I., Mandal, S., et al. Elastomeric Sensor- Triboelectric Nanogenerator Coupled System for Multimodal
Strain Sensing and Organic Vapor Detection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol 16 (Issue 39), 2024.
Ramya Devi showing her new material sample.
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