These rigorous assessments validate that materials can with- stand operational stresses and environmental conditions. Mate- rials are tested for their durability and performance under sim- ulated operational conditions. These include exposure to freez- ing, thawing, and high humidity to evaluate their resistance to environmental degradation. After this, a pre-production approval process (PPAP) typical- ly lasts three to six months, involving quality and paperwork checks on three to thirty blades. Delays can occur if customers need to adapt their manufacturing processes for new materi- als. Certification from bodies like DNV requires additional blade testing, also adding time and costs. This means that transition- ing from initial requirements to serial production can take up to three years. Navigating these challenges demands experience and innova- tion from the blade component manufacturers. Exel Composites, a pultrusion leader, works closely with turbine OEMs to ensure compliance with standards. This includes customized manu- facturing processes and qualification tests, ensuring each blade meets performance and safety criteria. From ancient windmills to today’s advanced turbines, the wind power industry has made strides. However, as the sector continues to evolve, embracing standardization is key to giving blade manufacturers confidence in supplied components’ relia- bility, safety, and efficacy. To learn more about how Exel Com- posites is pioneering the development of composites for wind power, visit ites-in-wind-power-applications/.
Exel Composites Exel Composites is one of the largest manufacturers of pultruded and pull- wound composite profiles and tubes and a pultrusion technology forerunner in the global composite market. You can find their products used in applications in diverse industrial sectors such as wind power, transportation and building and infrastructure. Headquartered in Finland, Exel Composites employs over 600 professionals around the world and is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. To find out more about offering and company .
EKSTRUUSIOPÄIVÄT 21.-22.5.2025 Sibeliustalo, Lahti Monipuolisessa seminaariohjelmassa teemoina mm.: Biopohjaisen ja kierrätetyn materiaalin mahdollisuudet muoviputkissa, kalvoissa ja päällysteissä. Työturvallisuus sekä konedirektiivin tuomat konevaatimusmuutokset. Mukana myös edellisellä kerralla paljon kiitosta saanut luento ekstruusioperusteista.
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