04:05 GLOBAL
self, showing the toll of age and his moral corruption, while his outward appearance remains youthful and perfect. Similarly, our profile pictures can act as modern-day portraits, showcasing an idealized version of ourselves that may not match who we are today. This gap between appearance and reality raises questions about authenticity, self- perception, and how we choose to present ourselves to the world. The Corporate Shop Window Our profile picture should, of course, represent the best version of ourselves. For instance, LinkedIn, as a professional social media platform, acts as our shop window. Especially with remote work and global networking, this is where people first “see” us. Using a profile picture that doesn’t reflect who we are now fails to represent us. Sure, our younger selves were beautiful, but what about the experience we’ve gained, and the challenges we’ve overcome? These are etched into the lines on our
faces and make us appear more mature and credible. As I write this, I glance at my own LinkedIn profile picture—it looks at least four years old. My Facebook picture, however, still displays a protest message against the noisy minibuses in the Prince’s Islands of Istanbul. There have been times when I’ve met someone in real life after seeing them on LinkedIn and felt utterly surprised. This highlights how important it is for our digital identity to align with our physical one. On professional platforms, ensuring that our representation matches who we are in reality reinforces trust and authenticity. It’s also crucial to distinguish between personal and corporate social media. On
Instagram, sharing hobbies and interests through photos makes sense. On WhatsApp, it’s a different story altogether. A profile picture appropriate for apartment neighbor groups or school parent chats might not work when WhatsApp inadvertently becomes a corporate tool, leaving us exchanging work messages under photos of us with our pets or family. Each platform has its own language and purpose. Choosing profile pictures that align with these purposes helps manage our digital presence effectively and
professionally. Appearance and Perception
Your profile picture is not just an image; it reflects your personality, style, and values. When people
This gap between appearance and reality raises questions about authenticity, self-perception, and how we choose to present ourselves to the world.
16 I 04:05
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