04:05 Issue 8

04:05 GLOBAL

This is the first in a series of articles dedicated to sharing your real stories from the frontline of payroll. While names have been removed and some details have been adjusted for confidentiality, the heart of each story remains true. And here’s the thing: we want to hear from you, too. What’s your standout Whether it’s a festive save, a clever workaround, your standard or a time you overcame impossible odds, share it with us. Let’s celebrate the incredible work payroll professionals do every day. To kick off our series, we’re starting with an oldie but a goodie - a classic tale of payroll heroics that proves no deadline is too tight and no challenge too big when it comes to getting the job done. The Christmas Overtime Rescue: Payroll to the Rescue You know what December is like in payroll - payroll moment? Or what’s your norm?

everything speeds up, deadlines are tighter, and the pressure is through the roof. Now imagine this: 56 employees are set to miss out on their overtime pay in December because their managers didn’t submit the details on time. know the scenario - the early deadlines to accommodate Christmas, the endless juggling of last-minute submissions, and the sheer volume of work. In this case, a few departments dropped the ball, leaving dozens of employees at risk of not getting paid until January. That’s exactly what happened to one payroll team. You

people, it wasn’t just a delay in pay - it was potentially no overtime to cover festive expenses, no extra money for gifts or celebrations, and an added layer of stress during what should be a joyful time of year. But payroll didn’t let it happen. When the missed submissions came to light, the team could have stuck to the rules, said it was too late, and moved on. Instead, they saw the human side of the situation - this was about more than just numbers on a (missing!) spreadsheet. So, what did they do?

They came in on a Saturday. Yes, their

Can you imagine the fallout? For those 56

weekend was sacrificed, but they weren’t going

Send your stories confidentially to helen.dooley@crpayrollsolutions.com, and let’s shout them loud. Together, we can spotlight the dedication, resilience, and ingenuity that define the payroll profession.

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