Organic growth in 2021 came in at an overall rate of 2.2% according to the Organic Trade Association (OTA) but Organic sales growth has slowed in 2022. As we move out of the grip of the pandemic, consumers are embracing new ways of thinking . Top amongst these is a new way of thinking about health and wellness, which is manifesting in many ways. (new hope) HOLISTIC CONSUMERS – Organic messaging is opening to people and planet benefits to boost sales
The two concepts with the greatest potential to motivate respondents to buy more organic products are " Organic products are made with clean ingredients, free from pesticides, chemicals and toxins" and "Organic is better for people and the planet." (New Hope's Inside Organic) *
According to a Pew Research survey, 76% of adult respondents purchased organic food for health concerns. source
* By age, "Organic is a powerful solution to climate change," resonated with respondents ages 18-34, while respondents ages 35-46, were slightly more motivated by "Organic plays a key role in living a healthy lifestyle."
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