Controversial agro-agricultural practices break in the media
Not good for me or the planet
EU says ‘not banning carbon offsets’ in greenwashing crackdown source
The negative externalities linked to the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are numerous. Does a non-organic lettuce cost 27 times more than an organic lettuce? If the city of Munich had chosen a curative solution, to purify it would have cost 0.27 euro/m3 of water distributed, i.e. 27 times more expensive . Study carried out in 2021 by BASIC
Traces of pesticides even in industrial jelly source
"In the 1st quarter of 2023, the margin rate of the agri-food industry is 48%" according to INSEE. A historic record as shown by this graph. I confirm my previous remarks: the responsibility for food inflation is not equitably distributed between actors. source
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