Regenerative French market

Agriculture experts are not 100% aligned with regenerative terminology Biosphere Various comments under Bel regenerative agriculture partner on their linkedin posts. “You can go on and on about regenerative agriculture without talking about biodiversity or Regenerative agriculture, watch out for greenwashing! Warns Inrae Agroecology could help to clarify the still unclear content of regenerative Inrae

environmental impact. But please do not talk about regeneration and do not appropriate regenerative agriculture which covers much more than your approach which covers so little. Your approach is marketing. Thank you to the partners who have understood the real issues of biodiversity, global health and the balance of soil life and who are not afraid to talk about subjects that you soberly call "inputs". Not everyone is for a break from the health and quality topics that concern us all… source and source

agriculture so that its promises can be translated into real progress and may be not exclusively carbon-centered. source

Bayer Bayer plans to shape regenerative agriculture on more than 400 million acres (or approximately 1.5 million km2) by 2035 to explore carbon sequestration while feeding the world.

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