Regenerative French market

Consumers cutting on organic yet still caring for health and environment

Organic food consumption is recording a general decline in sales (-8% in 2022 compared to 2021).

In 2022, in the face of inflation, French food expenditure fell by 4.6%.

-In a strong inflationary context, consumers turn to cheap products and abandon the organic offer at higher prices. -The organic segment also faces increased competition from other labels and mentions : quality and origin signs (PDO, PGI, red label), "free" mentions, the nutriscore, or quite simply the

-The reduction in the consumption of traditional fresh products: -5.6% decline in purchases of Traditional Fresh Products. A particularly noticeable reduction for animal proteins (fish, meat) - Limiting waste remains the first intention of the French for the coming months so as not to throw money out the window: 48% of French households - Private labels have gained 2.5 points of market share. Less than half of households now say they place "a lot of importance on the brand". Kantar

purchase local rather than organic. - Consumers favor local alternatives. Source

- French are not cutting corners on the quality of their plates. Indeed, the criterion "good for health" is the second criterion for choosing a product behind the price/promotion item", emphasizes Kantar. -In addition, they maintain their budget devoted to products committed to preserve the environment (22.3% of expenditure) even though organic is down. Kantar (*confirmed 1st Q2023) More positively, in France the group of eco actives remains stable in 2022*

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