Nobody buys or sells a home in the winter. Right? Wrong! In fact, if you checked the numbers, you’d find that a good chunk of home purchases happen during the coldest months of the year. Besides, many southern regions aren’t all that affected by the change in seasons. But even if you live up north, homes are still getting bought and sold despite icy roads and snow-covered roofs. For us nerds who want the stats, over a million homes get sold in the winter every year. In fact, existing home sales (not including new builds) were in the 350,000–515,000 range per month from December 2021 to February 2022, while the spring and summer months of 2022 saw homes selling at 450,000–525,000 per month from March through August.1 In other words, the amount of homes that are bought and sold in the winter is nothing to sneeze at. So, if you’re wondering if you should put off buying or selling a home until spring, why wait? You may be surprised to learn that there are actually advantages to buying or selling while Jack Frost is nipping at your nose.
What are the advantages? You’re about to find out!
Selling Your Home in the Winter Okay, huddle up, home sellers. Let’s unpack the perks of selling when the air gets chilly.
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