CWU Mental Health Services

CLICC – “Check All That Apply” For each client, clinicians are asked to “check all that apply” from a list of 44 concerns (as one client can have many concurrent concerns). This graph illustrates the frequency of each concern across all clients during the 2016-2017 academic year, regardless of the number of concerns for each client or which concern was the primary one (N= 59,208).


Family Stress Depression Anxiety

Health/Medical Perfectionism Sexual abuse/assault (victim) Alcohol Career Identity development Suicidality Attention difficulties Grief/loss Mood instability Trauma Adjustment to new environment Eating/body image Social isolation Sleep Self-esteem/confidence Interpersonal functioning Relationship problem (specific) Academic performance

Discrimination Gender identity Violent thoughts or behaviors towards others Religion/spirituality Legal/judicial/conduct Sexual concern Sexual orientation Racial, ethnic, or cultural concerns Physical abuse/assault (victim) Other Obsessions or compulsions Financial Harassment/emotional abuse (victim) Anger management Drugs Self-injurious thoughts or behaviors

Addiction (not drugs or alcohol Psychotic thoughts or behaviors

None Stalking (victim) Pregnancy related




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