CWU Mental Health Services

Mental health counseling/therapy, all students (past year)

Informal help-seeking

In the past 12 months have you received counseling or support for your mental or emotional health from any of the following sources? (Select all that apply)

In the past 12 months have you received counseling or therapy for your mental or emotional health from a health professional (such as psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or primary care doctor)?

12% Roommate

37% Friend (who is not a roommate)

30% Significant other


32% Family member

5% Religious counselor or other religious contact

3% Support group

Mental health counseling/therapy among students with positive depression or anxiety screens (past year) In the past 12 months have you received counseling or therapy for your mental or emotional health from a health professional (such as psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or primary care doctor)?

2% Other non-clinical source

40% None of the above

Barriers to help-seeking

In the past 12 months, which of the following factors have caused you to receive fewer services (counseling, therapy, or medications) for your mental or emotional health than you would have otherwise received? (Select all that apply)


1% I haven't had the chance to go but I plan to

Mental health counseling/therapy, all students (lifetime)

37% No need for services

21% Financial reasons (too expensive, not covered by insurance)

Have you ever received counseling or therapy for mental health concerns?

31% Not enough time

14% Not sure where to go

15% Difficulty finding an available appointment


27% Prefer to deal with issues on my own or with support from family/friends

13% Other

Mental health counseling/therapy among students with positive depression or anxiety screens (lifetime)

12% No barriers

Note: Due to a survey programming error, the barriers questions were not asked of students who reported never receiving counseling or therapy.

Have you ever received counseling or therapy for mental health concerns?



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