King's Business - 1923-04

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


Evangelical Infidelity. Looks as though th e expression “ evangelical fa ith ” has,been taken over by the higher critics. Soon they’ll be grabbing the word “Fundam entalis’ts ” also and giv­ ing it a new definition. An English . exchange say s: “F o r instance: a young Baptist m inister told me, not long ago, th a t he was ‘evangelical’; bu t shortly afterw ards, he stated, in my presence •and; hearing, th a t ‘Christ was not in fal­ lible:- H e made m istakes like other good men’! « Y et' th is young m inister still claimed to be loyal to ‘the evangelical faith ’. . Even’ th e most advanced Mod­ ernists claim to : be ‘evangelical.’ Dr. Peake, whose Commentary is described by th e Rev;- -W. G raham Scroggie ‘sodden w ith infidelity,-.actually claims to be an “orthodox evangelical’! More­ over, it is: now custom ary for th e crit­ ics to employ certain theological term s which have a distinctly evangelical meaning, but, a t th e same time, to use those term s in a to tally different sense. They mean one th ing , while th e ir read­ ers and h earers imagine th a t they mean something quite different.” • - W hat th e Spade is Doing. The great discovery of 'Lord Carnavon and Mr, C arter in the?-Valley of th e K ings Of 'Egypt, is sriicf to “ invalidate all Egyp­ tia n history books.” Yes! and every tu rn of the excavator’s Spade gifes the lie to the guess-work enshrined in the farrago of conceit hatched in th e cran- iums of the critical quacks and mounte­ banks. They do well to ignore the science of Archeology; for they know well th a t ‘ th e ir craft is endangered therew ith.’ To mention, at random , two item s: the fourteenth chapter of Gen­ esis and the nation of the H ittites, form ­ erly both5 questioned b y ' Skeptics, are now beyond 7th e field of d is^g sion , as ‘they have been Substantiated by the Archeologists. Things as They Are. G. Stanley Hall, a noted educator w riting in th e October num b er of The Century Magazine, on the subject “Salvaging Civilization,” charges th a t “The. world is sick and hum anity h a s entered a critical stage of its h istory.” To prove his contention he quotes from : many recent books whose authors are prom inent in th e par­ ticu lar line of which they write. "These books,” says Mr. Hall, “w ritten since th e war, suggest a g reat new fear abroad in the world.” He declares th a t

there are a m illion childless homes in America. The census bureau has ju st announced a declining b irth ra te and increasing death rate for 1922. The quality of imm igrants is steadily de­ clining. Two per cent of the people own 62 per cent of America’s wealth. The next war, he says, will be g reater, th an the last; it is inevitable and near. I t will come suddenly and th ere may be no declaration. Against half of the most fatal diseases which affect most of mankind, we have made no progress. There are 600 millions in the world who cannot read. ' Mankind has learned nothing from the b itter years of grief and travail. ' Imm igration Problem . The- church in America has a trem endous task in looking after the sp iritual arid moral welfare of the imm igrants. A study of th e provisions made for work among these newcomers a t Ellis Island, through which gate eighty per cent of our imm igrants enter, revéals ’Some im­ po rtan t facts. N ineteen organizations; P ro testan t, Catholic, and Jewish,, are - “presented there. But while th e Cath­ olic and Jewish societies have developed follow-up systems which are obtaining fine results, th ere is a complaint th a t th e P ro testan t imm igrants are not sim­ ila rly looked after in a way to relate them perm anently to P ro testan t bodies. Smothering th e T ru th . Under date of October 20 th e Rom an hierarchy sent out from its political h eadquart­ ers a t th e National Capital w hat -pur­ po rted , to be a news message frorii Ta­ coma, Wash., to th e effect th a t Roman women had visited all newsstands in th e city of Tacoma and warried them not to handle a certain periodical which is distasteful to the hierarchy. T h at is popery at work in tru e papal fashion. Who ever heard of P ro testan ts, warning news dealers not to handle a Roman Catholic periodical? • The- Church of Rome publishes here a hundred period­ icals in alien tongues an d two hundrec in English and then bludgeons the As­ sociated P ress into Subjection and muz­ zles | th e daily press in general in the in terest of popery. But if some honest citizen a t financial . sacrifice . issues a periodical which boldly quotes the canon law of th e Papacy or qx-cathedra utterances of Popes in condemnation of popular sovereignty arid public educa­ tion. th.e hierarchy starts its vast

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