King's Business - 1923-04

W h at Shall I Believe? , A P rim er of Christian Theology. j | Augustus Hopkins Strong, D. D. LL. D. The la st message of a g reat and good teacher whose life has been devoted to th e exposition of Bible doctrine. Dr. Strong for years was president of Rochester Theological Sem inary and was a stalw art in defense of th e whole Bible. We heartily commend th is book to Bible teachers. (R evell). Price 31-00 Money Talks Rev. A lbert F. McGarrah. Nine good sermons on practical stewardship. (R evell). Price,\.;31.25 New and unique. There is never a dull page from this gifted w riter. (Pickering & Ing lis). Price, 31:00 The Glory o f H is Robe Edward John Slobo. A new series of sp iritual messages for daily needs. (Doran & Co.) V ia Sacra T. H. Dorlow, M. A. Here are twenty th ree helpful sp iritual meditations. (Hodder & S toughton). Sermons on Biblical Characters Clovis C. Chappell, D. D. Sixteen ser­ mons on g reat menand women. The picture painting is exceedingly fine. (Doran). Price 31-50 P asto r and Evangelist Rev. Charles L. Goodell, D. D. A challenge to the .m inister. W ith prac­ tical suggestions byaman who knows how. Price, 31-35 L ittle Foxes Dr. E. A. Henry, Toronto. A valu­ able addition to books for children. Will be welcomed by parents, teachers and preachers. Price, 31-25 i Is B ritish-Israel T ru th Scriptural? Rev. Wm. C. P roctor. H ighly com­ mended by noted English pastors. The Law of Moses Edouard Ndville, Professor of Uni­ versity of Geneva. P reface by Henry Wace, D. D., Dean of Canterbury. Scholarly and true. 1 ' W hat W ill T ake P lace When Christ R e tu rn s? . F. E. Marsh.

“Of making many books th ere is no end” (Eccl. 12 :12 ). There is a deluge of hooks now and we cannot ta k e th e space necessary to do justice to th e many which are sent to us for review. We recommend only those which ring tru e to the funda­ mentals and th a t in th e briefest pos­ sible manner. Must The Bible Go? Prof. Newton W ray, of Taylor Uni­ versity. A brief, popular defense of the Bible against destructive criticism. The Divine In itiative H. R. Mackintosh, D. D. Gives the reason for the Christian faith in a tren ch an t manner. (Doran) Price ?1.25 The Chronology of th e Bible Philip Mauro. Mr. Mauro claims the Bible has a chronology of its own and proves it by th e Bible (Ham ilton B ros). Price $1.00 T he Logos (W ord) of th e Cross, Mrs. P ehn Lewis. A repo rt of the Overcomers’ Conference in Swanwick, England. Price, 75 cents. The B ible in Five Years Dr. G. Campbell Morgan. An ou t­ line of th e whole Bible in pam phlet form (Revell) Price, 35 cents. Must we Dismiss th e M illennium? Lewis Sperry Chafer. A review of th e m illennial theory. Scriptural and strong. God’s P rophetic P rogram J. Charleton Steen, London. An ex­ position of Daniel. Splendid for teachers. Good to put into th e hands of doubters. (Pickering & Inglis). Price, J1.00 God Our Contemporary John Henry Jow ett, D. D. A new series of Jow ett’s sermons. They com-| mend themselves. (Revell). Price, ?1.50 T h e M aster’s Method of W inning Men Dwight Mallory P ra tt. A strong plea for personal evangelism. Strongly evangelical. Cordially commended. (R evell). Price, 31-00 The New Ten Commandments Lewis Albert. Banks, D. D. F ifteen sweet, strong Gospel messages, Well worth reading. (R evell). Price 31-50

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