King's Business - 1923-04

“Best” Books on the

Holy Spirit

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit By Dr. R. A. Torrey

A thorough study of all that the Bible has to teach about the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as tested by personal experience. It discusses fully and frankly all the modern theories and vagaries on this important subject,, and sub- jects them to the test of the Scripture. Price, Cloth, $1.50

Lectures on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit By Wm . Kelly

A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit

By W . E. Biederw olf T hese ch ap ters deal w ith th e nam e, a d ­ v en t, personality, deity, sealing, anointing, comm union, fru it, b ap tism , filling, in terces­ sion, em blem s, a n d resistan ce of th e S pirit. C loth, $1.00

If you w ould enjoy* reading an able d is­ cussion of the D octrine of th e H oly S pirit, th is is th e book fo r you. Safe, sane an d scholarly, it p resen ts th e teach in g of th e S crip tu res in a very c lear a n d concise m an ­ ner. C loth, $1.25

The Real Holy Spirit By C o rtlan d M yers, D . D. A p ra c tic al stu d y of th e H oly S p irit fo r th e every-day m an o r w om an, show ing th e sim plicity an d a c tu a lity of th e H oly S p irit in th e life. P rice 60c The Full Blessing of Pentecost By A ndrew M urray No w rite r is safer o r m ore san e th a n A ndrew M urray, and we a re glad to h av e him to tu rn to in th ese day s of so m uch w rong “ P entecostal B lessing" teaching. T his book rings tru e to th e S crip tu res an d is a book you need to hold you true. P rice. C loth, 75c

How to Obtain Fullness of Power By D r. R. A. T orrey A book helpful in train in g in C h ristian life an d service to th o se w ho have com e to C hrist. E v ery p h ase of th e su b ject is tre a te d in a clear a n d p ra c tic al m anner. C loth. 75c

The Work of the Holy Spirit

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By A ndrew M urray If you w ould like to know th e secret of th e C om forting Presence, th e indw elling p e r­ sonality a n d pow er of th e H oly S pirit, th is is th e one book th a t you need m o st to read. B etter o rd er it today. P rice 75c p e r copy

Untangling Live Wires By Rev. W. W. Newberry

This is a new volume written with the express purpose of helping earnest Christians who have become entangled with side issues. It is a book of warnings written in a sweet Christian spirit. The matter of Divine guidance is very thor­ oughly dealt with along with other subjects. This book will throw much light on many subjects now puzzling many earnest seekers after God's best. Price. Cloth. 85c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., u nless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal 441

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