King's Business - 1923-04



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Biola Band No, 10

No. 8 , writes:-4M‘We have worked o u t' from five main centers and by God’s blessing there is now a small bu t earn­ est and self-supporting church in each of the five centers, all h itherto wholly unevangelized.” Some of these or­ ganizations are called “O ut-stations," others “P rayer and Bible Study H alls,” but by whatever name they are known, are in fact what th e New Testament calls “ churches,” wholly self-support­ ing and organized for th e instruction and building up of our young con­ verts, and for th e systematic following up of the w idespread work done by the band. These in fan t churches are or­ ganized in fullest co-operation w ith the mission concerned, which mission at once assumes p asto ral care of them. During th e past year the workers of Band No. 8 visited 21,392 homes, 209 individuals definitely received Christ as th e ir personal Savior, and 57 families burned or destroyed all th eir idols, and have set up Christian homes. When we remember th a t th is work was done in previously unevangelized te rrito ry the results seem wonderful, but when we learn of the special- difficulties under which it was carried on th e results are more th an wonderful, they are glorious, and show fo rth th e m ighty power Of our God to Whom be all the praise. Let us perm it Mr. Hwaneg to tell his own sto ry :— T raveling Theatres

glad h earts and songs of se to God 'w e announce organization and sending of th is new hand of evan­

gelists. Thé leader is Mr. Hsiao Yu Cheng, or, w ritten in our western style, Mr. Y. C. Hsiao, a nephew of our Mr. M. K. Hsiao so well known to all who are in terested in, this work. Mr. Y. C. Hsiao is well equipped both by n atu re and by train in g for th is im ­ po rtan t position. He is a gradu ate of th e Hunan Bible In stitu te where he did splendid work during his course of study, and has had practical experience in all th e methods of the band work, having been th e successful leader of Band No. 9. Band No. 10 is made up of a fine lot of young men, some of them graduates of th e Bible In stitu te, others who are veterans in band work, and still others who have been sent to us by the mis­ sion in whose field Band No. 10 will work, th e plan being to have these men study our methods of work and a fte r some months of practical expe­ rience use them as the uncleus of a new band to be organized and directed by th is mission in “its own field. This is one of th e ideal resu lts of our work. We send a band of train ed and expe­ rienced workers into th e field of some mission, th a t mission sends some of its local w orkers to us for train ing and experience, then the mission organizes bands made up of Christians from its own field and sends them out to work in th a t field until every home in the entire field has been thoroughly evangelized. Glimpses of th e Work T h at you may more fully share in our joy a t the going forth of Band No. 10, enter w ith us into the spirit of th e ir work, and join w ith us in p er­ sistent and prevailing prayer for God’s daily blessing upon them during the coming year, let me give you a brief account of the past y ear’s work of one of th e other bands, and some extracts from th e recent letters w ritten by the leader. Mr. Hwang, th e leader of Band

Mr. Hwang w rite s:— “We encount­ ered many difficulties, th e first one was th a t of the language: th e dialect of the people was so peculiar th a t on first entering each new district it was very difficult to make them understand any­ thing we said. The second difficulty was th e traveling th eatres; everywhere we went they followed us, it seemed as though th e devil him self had enlisted them to hinder our work.” These trav ­ eling th eatres visit country places per­ iodically a t rath e r long intervals making a stay of a few days or weeks according to th e size of th e place and th e density of th e population in the neighboring country. Their coming is a signal for a general holiday, and crowds come in A RADIATING AND RALLYING CENTER QF

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