King's Business - 1923-04



self,” was his joyful answer. “And when his fath e r saw him a g reat way off, he had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him .” H unger of Body and Soul To perm it a hunger of soul God often­ tim es has to perm it a hunger of body. A fter much pressure one confessed- th a t he had been two whole days in th a t con­ dition, and, well nigh desperate, he had d rifted into our hall and when the Bread of Life was broken to him, his hungry soul- took it in gladly. L ater we were perm itted to m inister to his bodily needs. Still another, when temporal help was pressed upon him firmly re­ fused the same, only begging th a t we secure for him work whereby he could earn an honest livelihood, and th is in these days when the g reat mass of d rift­ ing hum anity tak e to th eir heels a t th e very word “w o rk !” This m an’s case was unique. Many of our men, we soon discover, simply go on neglecting the m atter of salvation till they are brought face to face w ith eternal realities. We had one very rem arkable case in these days of easy professionalism , a man who really believed he was “too bad to be saved.” JRTHODOX Judkism by its in ­ tolerance of arid antagonism to Christianity often over­ reaches itself and defeats its own purpose in trying to instill p reju ­ dice against Christianity into th e minds of the Jewish people. The minds and h earts of thousands in Israel have re­ volted against being shackled hand and foot by Rabbinical laws and precepts and Reform Judaism has been the re­ sult. Today th ere are thousands of Jews to whom Judaism is but a social ra th e r than a religious tie. Indifference to Judaism has resulted in g reater tol­ erance of Christianity and a more un­ biased investigation of Christianity’s claims w ith the happy resu lt th a t annu­ ally thousands of Jews the world over are brought to Christ. Found H er Messiah Such was th e type of Jewess whom some of the In stitu te workers persuaded to attend a little Bible class in a private residence. H er in terest Was such as to

The most fru itfu l field, however, to­ day is among the young lads who are still under the influence of Christian homes, church and Sunday school, and many trophies have come to us during th e past month from this fru itfu l source. One notable case was th a t of a lad whose home influences had all been Godward, but, like so many others, he chafed at the narrow way, d rifted from his east­ ern home, arrived “broke” in Los Ange­ les, fell in w ith a bad bunch, and was fleeing from justice, when one of our men spoke to him. He told us God had been speaking to him, waking him up a t m idnight till his conscience was bu rn ­ ing like a hot iron and he ju st must get rig h t w ith G od.. When th e whole w retched story was opened up and the lad told everything to Him who is of g reat compassion and wondrous love, a public confession of Christ followed, and he a t once determ ined to go back and Surrender himself. Turning to us afte r a few hours of this new found peace he said, “Why, here it’s been hours since I ’ve had a cigarette and strange to say all desire has qu it me. I t’s all so wonderful.” Yes, truly, for. His name shall be called “W onderful” and “he th a t w jnneth souls is wise.” ' prompt h er to repeat h er visits to the class and afterw ard to attend some of the lectures in the Evening School. We are not acquainted w ith the early his­ tory of her case, as we ju st made her acquaintance when she attended one of our Jewish meetings on Sunday a fte r­ noon. She appeared to be one of the most interested listeners in th e audience of over two hundred people as th e ser­ vice proceeded, and when a t th e close, one of our Hebrew-Christian workers engaged her in conversation, she seemed very receptive to th e Gospel message. Tqgether they bent over, the Bible and traced out in the Old Testament Scrip­ tu res th e proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus Christ. In ju s t a short tim e the w riter was called over by the worker to hear some good news and when shak­ ing hands, w ith this young Jewess asked what th e good news was. The answer, from th e Jewess, herself, was “ I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour.” “And are you quite satisfied th a t He is the Messiah of Isra el?” The answer was, “I am .”

WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible classes an d Personal W ork, S treet M eetings a n d Sem i-M onthly M ass M eetings fo r Jew s of Los Angeles-

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